Tom Cruise dreamed of becoming ... priest


Why the fourth?

It is known that Tom Cruise was born as Thomas Cruise Mapoter IV. This name he inherited from his great-grandfather - Thomas Cruise O'Mara, who was adopted by immigrants from Wales and gave him the surname of Mapoter. Grandfather actor - Mapoter II - worked as a lawyer and judge. Father - Mapoter III - electrical engineering and military consultant of the Armed Forces of Canada. Tom may have been proud that he was the fourth in the dynasty, if his relationship with his father was warmer. However, he regularly raised his hand to the future movie designer, and Cruz soon chose to forget about such a relationship. Especially since Mom Cruz divorced him with his father, when it was 12 years old.

What if not a movie?

As a child, Tom dreamed of becoming a priest. Catholic. This later, thanks to the first wife, Mimi Rogers Cruz became interested in Scientology. And at one time the actor studied in the Franciscan seminary in Cincinnati and seriously intended to devote his further life to the ministry of the church. True, a little later, being a midfielder of the university football team, Tom Grezil about becoming a professional athlete. But it was expelled from the team for drinking beer before an important game.

How much money?

Cruise is one of the highest paid actors in the world. The last 15 years of its fees are calculated tens of millions. For example, for the painting "Mission of Impossible-3", Tom managed to get $ 75 million. At the same time, it is not even a billionaire: according to the latest data, its condition is only 260 million dollars. Just all your money is ready to give your loved ones and tries not to refuse them. But even when he did not have such amounts, the actor spent his earnings on his relatives. For example, on the first fees that ranged from 50 to 75 thousand dollars, I bought the car to one sister, the second paid training in college, and the third just helped materially.

Tom Cruise with Suri's daughter. Photo: Rex Features /

Tom Cruise with Suri's daughter. Photo: Rex Features /

Why does it look so young?

Tom does not recognize neither Botox nor plastic operations. But behind the youth person watches carefully. For this, the actor regularly makes masks from nightingale litter, rice bran and water. No, the Cruz himself does not mix all the ingredients, and regularly pays 250 dollars in the spa for the procedure invented by the star cosmetologist Shizuka Bernstein. Who recommended that make a mask of bird feces - is unknown. But he, in turn, put on the nightingale litter of his loved ones - David and Victoria Beckham.

When is the next child?

Suri Cruz - the daughter of Tom and his third wife Katie Holmes - has long become one of the most popular Hollywood children. But the baby is already six years old, and the question when she has a brother or sister, recently sounds more and more. However, recently the actor clearly made it clear that he no longer wants. "I am so happy with my three children," the jubilee explained. - I enjoy every minute spent with surya. And I get a great pleasure from communicating with the senior - Connor and Isabella (the adoptive children, which they adopted with the second spouse Nicole Kidman. - Ed.). So with me, perhaps, enough. " Although, most likely, Tom Lukvit. After all, he is only 50 years old.

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