Anton Komolov: "Lenzen LED is the Macho of our time"


- Anton, are you worried about your hero? Watch out what kind of situations do you get that this time has writers prepared for him?

- I look forward to meeting with him every two or three years, when new parts of the "Ice period" come out. And with the fading of the heart, I think in which direction the scenario moves will turn out, because everyone is happening there: they are introduced new characters, then the LED becomes quite some kind of neurasthenik and so on. But I still am happy with the fact that the sloth is the most ridiculous and touching character in the "Ice period".

- You voiced Side for the fourth time, and remember how you started working on it? There were rumors that you had to stick out pieces of fur and live in a zoo with real sloths ...

- Absolute truth! I stressed the pieces of artificial fur, because I am against the killing of animals. Then I was sprayed with special deodorants with the smell of slits, they were allowed to the cage to them, and I lived with them. Before each voice acting, these sensations have to be updated. But now the sloths are already accustomed to me, so the last time I could have already done without artificial wool.

- How did you pick up the desired timbre for Side? Has your voice had to be like the one he says in the original, or could you find your own option?

- The company 20th Century Fox, which created this cartoon, did not put forward strict requirements. In the first part, I, of course, focused on the original, how John Leuyuizamo is voiced by Sida, and tried to repeat his voice. But in the end it turned out a little differently. It is clear that I have, and at RUGUISMO, LED does not speak almost half of the alphabet, but the voice is still a little different. I had my intonation, I feel more comfortable and more convenient for me, and everyone decided that it would be better.

- The scounding process sometimes happens quite fun. The actors are so reincarnated in cartoons, which is copied to the microphone all their movements and facial expressions. How is happening in your case?

- Everything is much easier. I calmly read the text, but it happens in the zoo, where I live in the aviary with the sloths. Super-sensitive microphones are brought there, sometimes the proteins are launched, which are voiced by the famous protein from the "Ice period", and we all amazed together.

- Do you have any common features with your hero?

- Age, growth and weight we absolutely coincide. And it seems to me that we are externally - almost cousins ​​of the brothers.

- What do you say about Lena?

- Let's start with the fact that LED is not lazy, let anyone confuse his name. He is very hardworking, it just doesn't always have something to do something, not always enough skills. But he tries and trying his best. At the same time, it is very easy to rise, smart, generous soul, noble, honest, courageous. It seems to me that Lenzen LED is the Macho of the XXI century. Now everyone says that men degenerate. No, they simply turn into a cide.

- I read that you initially tried to the role of Diego.

"I tried to the role of Sida, but then persuaded those who spent samples, allow me to try to voice someone else. They skeptically listened to my baritone, more precisely, the fetal, and they said: "Well, try!". I tried to voice And Manney, and Diego, but as a result I was approved for Sid. When I then heard, what a voice says Diego, I realized that I only had such a day in the first two days when I got sick. But to voice Diego, this two days caught very difficult.

- You will grow up with your son. Does he like the cartoon "Ice Age"?

- He belongs to him as well as all other cartoons: can watch it infinitely. And with Sidit it turned out fun: the son was one of the few who immediately recognized my voice in it. Because friends, looking at the cartoon, came up and asked: "And who did you voiced, squirrel?" What I, Honestly, perceived as a compliment, if I was not recognized. Andrei, first looking at the cartoon for three years, immediately asked: "Dad?" And I was very worried so that he would not think that his father was LED. That he is not on the other side of the screen, shaggy and spat, but here, next to him, on the sofa, beautiful man.

- Probably go to the premiere with the whole family?

- Unfortunately, we will not go to the premiere, because we will be the whole family at this time on vacation. But I will definitely look at the cartoon after our return. Moreover, Andrei has already seen billboards and knows that Diego has a girlfriend, and Sid will meet his family. Now he asks me all the time: "And what family? And who is in this family? And what is your grandmother? And why does Manny have a girl, Diego has - there, and Side does not have? " In general, he already asked everything in advance.

- Anton, and if you suddenly turned out to be in the very glacier period, how would you behave in place at Side and his friends?

"I would, of course, led myself as an animal, because after the swoing of the four parts of the" Ice period ", except for animals in the middle of the ice, I can't feel. In general, it seems to me that the secret of all the characters of this cartoon is that they are real, alone, alone, but a flock. And thanks to friendship, they survive during all the peripetias: and when they had warming, and among dinosaurs, and now they will drift on a huge ice plant, and they will have a lot of adventures. In fact, they are all mošketeers, it seems to me. And if you carry out parallels, then Manny is, of course, Portos, Diego - ATOS, and LED - on the one hand, of course, D'Artagnan is honest, hot-tempered, noble, and on the other - it is so beautiful that he is Aramis. Probably, LEDs are some symbiosis: D'Artamis or Aranyan.

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