Makar Zaporizhia and Ekaterina Smirnova: "True love always comes in spite of"


Only dull skeptics argue that the love is released a certain period. Makar Zaporizhia and Ekaterina Smirnova noticed each other in the institute audience and not only retained their student marriage, but also twice became parents. And this is with absolutely different views almost on all issues. This unity of opposites! By the way, our heroes made this photo session in their new apartment. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Makar, Catherine, did you feel the notorious "flash" when you meet?

Catherine: There was nothing like that. We met before the banality simply - upon admission to Gitis. Our master Oleg Lvovich Kudryashov in a sense of us "Svet" - not only that both missed the second round, so much I was purposefully asked to take the phone from Makara so that we were not lost and knew the numbers of further listening. Therefore, I had to approach and meet. Makar looked at my side very arrogant, somehow reluctantly fulfilled the request, and we went to different directions. I will say more: during the school year, we have quite coldly communicated and even conflicted. Actively denied each other.

Makar: But it went only until the sixth of April. It was on this day that I fell in love with her. Suddenly. Katya was on duty, swept the floor in the audience, and I watched this process. That's how it was sitting and suddenly I felt something. More precisely - a tempting bending of the hips was fed.

Catherine: Generally similar to the plot of the Hollywood musical of the early thirties. (Smiles.)

Makar: Your heart was busy, by the way. And my it was already half a year as free.

Catherine: Yes, thanks for recalled. (Smiles.) In general, I had good upbringing, high demands for the future chosen one and an old-fashioned approach to relationships. Makar did not remind my ideal man at all. Rather, he looked like an American cowboy - a fried, pumped blond with blond eyes ... This image repelled me.

Makar: It seems to me that Katyusha had an ideal - Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev - cultureologist, art historian, professor, doctor of philological sciences. That is, the person with whom she would be infinitely interesting. Scientist Lev Gumilev, too, in this list. Like Ernst Unknown. In my opinion, Katya even voiced these names.

Catherine: It's a lie! (Laughs.) But I will say that - real love is always coming contrary to our usual ideas. And it just happened to me. At the initial stage, Makar was very romantic. One of the most significant memories of that period is our night walks on the patriarching ponds. Our first kiss happened there.

Makar: No, our first kiss occurred in my historic homeland - near the metro station "Krasnopresnenskaya". I grew up on a three-chief, I know every bush and, of course, I called Katyusha to the Presn. As for the patriarch, Katya usually satisfied the quest for me. That is, if you want us to be together, do something and that.

Makar Zaporizhia and Ekaterina Smirnova:

"Katya was on duty, swept the floor in the audience, and I watched this process. A tempting bending of her hips was fed."

Photo: Olga Ergin

- Like in a fairy tale - tasks for princes ...

Makar: For sure! For example, offer a beautiful and informative route in the historical regions of Moscow. And I walked the usual guy - I went to the cinema, the sport always loved, played basketball, had a discharge on athletics, in hard, and then I was confronted with the unknown - wandered on the dark alleys, the narrow courtyards of Patricks ... first was dumbfounded, but quickly dragged - Walks for Katya and obediently admiredly a carved porch with a visor at a textured brick wall, which is beautifully falling shadow from an elegant forged fence ... She perfectly focused on the terrain. As you understand, a completely different world has opened for me. And to me, by the way, it still seems that Katya is the person to whom I need to grow, reach. Although now I start balling, insist on my own, wish, so that the wife takes me what I mean. (Smiles.)

Catherine: In fact, this is all thirteen years that we are together.

- The proposal of the hand and hearts sounded three years after the start of the novel, on board the aircraft. Is it kind of like a symbol that marriages are to heaven?

Makar: It was so necessary that everyone tries to find some unusual place for these intimate words. Someone chooses the roof, someone's bridge, someone cave, and I am an air liner. I love to fly, I have a uncle pilot, and grandfather, so everything is not at all by chance.

Catherine: The secret is that I was afraid to fly, and he hoped that I would agree with fear. Actually, it happened: I was stunned, and Makar literally forcibly dodged the ring. (Smiles.)

- Makar, and what prompted you, despite the colossal difference of characters and views, still not doubt what is your person nearby?

Makar: I moved love, and I sought to develop our relationship. Moreover, Katya his approach constantly reminded that there are such concepts as honor, debt. When you live together for a long time, in the end you need to marry or disperse. I have seen our future, so I chose the first option.

- Katya, and you have no longer doubted by this time in your second half?

Catherine: I arranged all my inspections to Makaru unconsciously, rather instinctively, but it is important that he stood up, did not escape, I realized that I need time. And I appreciated it.

"Makar, in one of the interviews you told that if I don't have something like that, she could calmly get up and, without warning anyone, to leave.

Makar: Of course, with close people whose location Katya values, she does not behave like that. As for other situations, if circumstances become painful, it will not tolerate them for a long time. Somehow, throwing a boning company, flew away from Nice home ahead of time. And there are a lot of such examples.

- And for what points do you have the hottest disputes?

Makar: It can be some little things. So, I hate closed doors. From childhood I got used to the entrance door to our apartment did not lock, the neighbors came to visit, we treated them hospitably ... So I absorbed the philosophy that the less you have, the more you possess. Money, property is all huzzling. If someone suddenly wakes up - yes, take and be healthy! I don't seem to need and not afraid of such situations. Obviously, that if a person needs our good, so he will open three castles. Sometimes we argue how to spend time with children. I would drag them with me everywhere, introducing life. Wonderful when even with babies on a belly come to master classes, at the lecture, at the exhibitions, come to the festivals! But Katyusha against. I am worried about them and believes that we should adapt to children's regime. (Smiles.)

Catherine: The first years of the girl's life was held with us in the theater, now and elder sometimes take to work. But, of course, I'm so reinsurance, only while the daughters are small. Alexandra is just five years old, but Elizabeth year old.

Makar Zaporizhia and Ekaterina Smirnova:

"I was afraid to fly, and Makar, probably hoped that I agree with fear to become his wife. And literally forcibly put on my finger ring"

Photo: Olga Ergin

- What do you think, daughters will continue the acting dynasty?

Catherine: While the conclusions are early, but I hope that they will be interested in not only the theater, but also painting, literature, architecture, music. Scarlet loves to sing and dance. And we can not please this with Makar. We both graduated from a music school, playing the guitar, on the piano.

Makar: Only our abilities are different. Katya will play you "times of the year" without any problems, and I'm just something easy ...

- And for future learning to the younger generation, do you converge?

Catherine: Not yet proceeded to discuss this topic. The only thing we will hardly become dictators in imposing the development of one or another item.

Makar: My wife is extremely active and will not allow spending time in vain. Here we also fight her, as I preach the theory of reasonable laziness. I have no doubt that if we treat the idleness with love, then this is a beautiful watch. You are lying to the dumplings, relax, most importantly, you do not scold yourself - a buzz! No wonder they say that it is good to rest more complicated than to work well. And if you rest wrong, with efforts and efforts nothing to miss an important thing, then we get tired even more than from work. Unfortunately, the sofa idleness now I absolutely can not afford - I have a family with two tiny children.

Catherine: Regarding recreation, I can say that we have not been on vacation for a long time, but before he was extremely thoughtful.

- Katya, apparently, you feel very serious about being ...

Catherine: You have a deceptive impression. It is still unknown who in our pair is more inclined to hooliganism. And isn't that we gave birth to two children to thirty years old, it is impossible to call so much?! (Smiles.) We have a big family, plus two cats, and still want a dog. This is a dream Makara.

Makar: I want a husky or malamut. They are smashed, fun.

- Makar, in childhood you have seen yourself in the future psychologist or designer. Today these areas are not mastered?

Makar: Well, the design is so definitely not.

Catherine: We have a goal - building a country house, and there will be an opportunity to fantasize over the interior.

Makar: Rather, it will be the zone of the responsibility of Kati, and on me the financial and production part. Regarding the design I can say that ergonomics are important for me, convenience. All sorts of decoration are secondary. While we coped with the repair of only our new apartment. And it turned out very cozy.

Catherine: Makar allowed me any whims. For example, I wanted a gentle panel with magnolia to the bedroom. It turned out to be very expensive, but his husband still bought him. And this treasure came to us from England.

Makar Zaporizhia and Ekaterina Smirnova:

"We love art in yourself, and not in art. Kati giant potential like the actress, but we are not from those who will drag each other. "

Photo: Olga Ergin

- Katya is bad for compromises?

Makar: Yes. But if before I was upset about this, today I am glad that I was lucky. Frequent concessions are driven into a drone of dissatisfaction. Do not lie to yourself. My wife is perfect for me. I am more flexible, sometimes I try not to solve the problem, but to get around it. But this is not a way out. Katya tough - it can also put an ultimatum.

Catherine: At the same time, Makar knows how to unexpectedly make a move of a horse, and it is impressive. The main thing is that we over the years by samples and errors get wisdom.

- The fact that you are a person of one profession, is it a win, in your opinion?

Catherine: It seems to me that yes.

Makar: And I am sure that it does not matter. Specialty one of the other is not much different. The violinist-virtuoso and talented joiner - both masters, and the result of their activities is similar: both and the other create a wonderful one.

Catherine: I study at Makara cinematic skills, ask many questions about samples, since I still still theater actress, and Makara has a huge list of roles. These are the series "Method", "father's daughters", "My beautiful nanny", "Shutchiks", "Mata Hari" ...

Makar: But we both have no idea without scene.

- Scenic strokes of plays often demand acting courage. Are you desperate?

Catherine: I have no paralyzing fears. Heights in the theater I do not fear, and nude can play. That is, in the work space is fearless, but in the life of the buggy.

Makar: And I have everything exactly the opposite. On stage itself, apparently, do not trust too much. But in ordinary life, literally chase for extreme. So, in the Crimea on Ai-Petri, barely seeing a cable cableway, perched through the gorge, was removed on it. And in Abu Dhabi rolled at the highest possible American slide in the world, where you instantly find yourself in the skin of the pilot of the car. And I have a parachute jump in front, although Katya and against my frills. (Smiles.)

Catherine: Sometimes your fear should be overcome. I remember how else at the first months of pregnancy we went to America, exercising a long-standing idea to watch New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas ... and in the early morning we flew on a helicopter with a glass bottom over the Grand Canyon. I agreed to this for Makara. I was terribly when we hung over this charming abyss, but it was worth it. The excursion was unforgettable.

- Makar, and you recommend your spouse to producers and directors?

Makar: In our family is not accepted. We love art in yourself, and not in art. Kati giant potential like the actress, but we are not from those who will drag each other.

Catherine: And I'm still frankly focused on raising children, plus I manage to play the theater, even recently participated in the release of the performance. And before that, another pregnant woman was filmed in a historic detective for the first channel. But very soon I will be fully ready for active work. I confess that in addition to the movie I dream to record children's fairy tales. It seems to me that today is very lacking such magical, musical works, as used to be with the same Maria Babanova.

Makar Zaporizhia and Ekaterina Smirnova:

"I am a chic dad, love my girls. These are my flowers. Big, sometimes annoying, but I like any of their manifestations"

Photo: Olga Ergin

Makar: Yes, you can read the fairy tales of all nations of the world. Vintage. This is a huge field for creativity. We daily read daughters different stories, as well as all sorts of stories with a continuation that compose. Personally, thanks to these evenings, I discovered "Pinocchio" for himself. Spacebook! - Feeling, daughters you have dads ...

Makar: I am a chic dad. (Smiles.) I love your girls. These are my flowers. Big, sometimes annoying, but I like any of their manifestations. I spend all my free time with them, and if something needed them, I can cope without any problems without the help of Kati. This is because we have a wrapped method - my wife and I are interchangeable at home. And I do not forbid anything to babies. In addition to rudeness, arrogance and sluggishness. Through your fingers look, how they are broken by the sofa, they will jump from me almost on the head, jump from the table on the bed. Never forcing them to walk along the string.

Catherine: Daughters True Father adore. They have real love.

- People from creative spheres are usually not too puzzled by life. Do you have something different?

Catherine: Makara can be reached in all economic affairs. If you do not do, then you will agree with whom it is necessary.

Makar: Frankly, I am not particularly much of what I can do around the house, but ready to learn. Although there is no time for it - everything is subordinate to the chaotic work schedule. Now, there will be a premiere of the full-length psychological thriller "Eliana", the series "KAMAZ-MASTER" will be released.

Catherine: Makar does everything brilliantly. And even tasty cooks - he went to his father.

- Katya, and there are some hobbies for which you always find time?

Catherine: I got a baby ballet. Entered the Vaganov School, and in Moscow, with the Bolshoi Theater. Did not take. But the dance remained my passion. Clock dedicated to classic choreography for me saints. Machine and pointes. And Makar Fan Hockey, this brutal, male sport, which he discovered for himself thanks to the TV series "Molodezhka".

- Can you formulate the recipe for the resistance of the student union?

Catherine: Yes, we are dinosaurs. Together we have only love. In the highest sense of the word.

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