Dangerous inheritance: what diseases are most often transmitted inside the family


Not always the presence of certain diseases from parents says that children will have to face the problems of the older generation, however, statistics persistently "insists" that many diseases with enviable constancy are diagnosed in several generations. We have gathered the most popular ailments that you can transfer mom with dad.


One of the most complex diseases that, unfortunately, is often transmitted to her child's mother. Moreover, a disease is not always transmitted, sometimes the child has increased susceptibility to its development. If you return to statistics, approximately 6 percent of the diseases noted that before them in the family had already patients with diabetes (we are talking about diabetes mellitus of the first type). In the case of the second type, there is a sad situation here: about 80 percent of future mothers suffering from a second type diabetes transmit the disease to the baby.

About 40% of all diseases are transmitted most often by inheritance

About 40% of all diseases are transmitted most often by inheritance

Photo: www.unsplash.com.


Not too common illness, but nevertheless in each second case is inherited. Violation of color perception is most often transmitted to their sons from their mother. Girls were lucky a little more. In principle, men suffer from color blindness almost twice as often as women who can get a disease if both parents suffer.


A few centuries ago, hemophilia was considered the "royal" disease, as she suffered for the most part of the highest strata of society. Today, the violation of blood coagulation can overtake any person. Scientists came to the conclusion that only a man can get ill, a woman is only a carrier of the gene and transmit it to his child. Hemophilia is not always transmitted from close relatives, a gene mutation is possible, which can be transferred to the next generation.


The disease can overtake the baby, whose parents never encountered allergies in any form, however, if one of the allergy parents, the likelihood that the child will be allergic "by inheritance" is much higher - 40%. If two is sick, the probability rises to 80%. By the way, it doesn't matter exactly what is allergic to parents, the child may not tolerate pollen, while parents may suffer from allergies, for example, on citrises.

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