Traveling in Russia: Realities of rest in the Caucasus


The coronavirus pandemic confused all plans for the summer - it's not so easy to fly abroad, and on the Black Sea coast, tourists barely fit on the beach. Perspective to sit down all vacation in the dusty city does not please, and since the usual beach holiday will have to forget, I decided to go to the Caucasus.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a resort region in the Stavropol Territory, which includes several cities. The most famous of them are mineral waters, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk. Usually come here in health purposes, each city has a resort area with sanatoriums. Profiles are different: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, and so on. The business card of the region is mineral water, which is in every city its own. For this reason, the city needs to be chosen depending on the profile of treatment.

"What to do there, if nothing hurts me?"

It was the first question I asked me when choosing a resort. But the thought of vacation in a stuffy city after all made me buy a ticket to Essentuki. To admit, I went there without much enthusiasm, because the sea is not there, and the weather is hot. On the first day, the Ministry of Emergency Situations sent an SMS message that the temperature is expected to increase the temperature to +40 degrees. It turned out that this is not so scary - the streets on Minvodas are seated with high trees, so the pedestrian walkways are always in the shade. Locals and some tourists walk in sneakers and closed clothes. Places for walking is also enough - in every city there are large beautiful parks in which there is a hard background music.

Park in Kislovodsk

Park in Kislovodsk

Photo: Inna Wielo

Beach rest

Lovers of this type of rest will be pleasantly surprised. In Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk there are small lakes. All of them are artificial, but refined. The water is cool in them, so sunbathing comfortably even at +40. There is little on the beaches of the people, or because people came here to be treated, and not to sunbathe, or because of the coronavirus.


View Attractions Mintor can be both with a group and independently. Prices for excursions are different and depend on the duration of the trip. There are distant tours - to Georgia, Grozny, to Elbrus and in Jil-Su. Guides and locals recommend visitors to visit the last two - because of an unusually beautiful nature.

Offer and travel around the cities of Minvod. They occupy about four hours and cost about 700 rubles. If you do not want to take an excursion, you can move on the train - the distances between cities are small, and the price will be at times lower.

In Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk there are metal galleries donated to cities in honor of the Minbrew century. The designs are bought at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair at the end of the 19th century and are collected in just a year. Galleries were installed for walks in bad weather, as well as for high-tech events.

Lermontov Gallery in Pyatigorsk

Lermontov Gallery in Pyatigorsk

Photo: Inna Wielo

The building of the Candidek Institute of Mechanotherapy in Essentuki was also bought at the Nizhny Novgorod trade and industrial exhibition. Unlike the two previous, it is not metallic, but wooden. There are arrangements of the coldural, created for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. By the way, it was there who did Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film "Love and Pigeons".

Building of Mechanotherapy in Essentuki

Building of Mechanotherapy in Essentuki

Photo: Inna Wielo

In the Caucasus there were many Russian writers, therefore the history of the region is inextricably linked with them. Lermontov's house is located in Pyatigorsk, where the last days of the poet's life took place.

Lermontov house

Lermontov house

Photo: Inna Wielo

Lermontov was killed on a duel on the slope of Mashuk Mountain in Pyatigorsk. Now there is a monument, in the center of which the Bronze Bust of the poet.

Place Duel Lermontov

Place Duel Lermontov

Photo: Inna Wielo

By the way, on the top of the Mashuk Mashuk can be climbed along the cable car. Mountain height - 993 meters above sea level. From there you can see an incredible panorama Minvod.

View from the top of Masheuk Mountain

View from the top of Masheuk Mountain

Photo: Inna Wielo

At the bottom of the cave of the southern slope Mount Mashuk there is a natural lake of failure. Water in it turquoise color. For safety reasons, the lake is fenced with a grid, so it will not come down to it. Yes, and I don't really want - the water is saturated with hydrogen sulfide, so there is a strong smell of rotten eggs in the cave.

Lake fail

Lake fail

Photo: Inna Wielo

Expectations of boring rest with the glass "Essentukov-4" were not justified in his hand. For 14 days of time, it was not found in the room. So it's worth going.

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