Surprisingly, a fact: 5 calorie products that help reduce weight


"Eat it and burn x calories" sounds not particularly convincing, is not it? Indeed, it is difficult to imagine the situation when you only eat and burn fat. Fracturing calories will always contribute to the weight of weight, whatever products you have used. But, you can add some elements in the diet and thereby accelerate the metabolism in the body, improve digestion and eliminate the feeling of hunger. Some say that nuts can be used even during a diet, others argue that they are too calorie. The same conversations are also under fatty fish, and about avocado. Who to believe? Keep a list of products that are mentioned in this article, and use for yourself as a reminder during a hike to the store.


No matter how contradictory it sounds, fish with a high content of healthy fats can help you get rid of unwanted fat. The fish contains a significant percentage of protein that helps support muscle mass, improve the metabolism and burn more calories while driving and even in a more relaxed state. Tip: Put the salmon slices of lemon on top and bake the fish until full readiness. Lemon will help to avoid dryness and give fish saturated taste. Add light salad as a side dish and get the perfect balanced dinner.


"Good" fat in avocado can also help you reduce weight. Avocado has a lot of magnesium: it contributes to the development of enzymes that control the digestion helps to absorb nutrients. Magnesium also requires the body to support blood sugar balance. When the blood sugar level is not balanced, excess glucose is converted into fat. Tip: Replace creamy oil sandwiches to toasts with avocado and make your breakfast more useful for the body.


Eggs are a product in which proteins and fats are balanced, which allows you to remain saturated for a long time. They are one of the best sources of fat burning protein that accelerates metabolism. High protein diets stimulate metabolism, thereby make it possible to lose a couple of extra kilograms faster. Tip: Replace the roasted eggs on boiled and deliver more benefits to your body.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are also rich in magnesium. Almonds, pecans and pumpkin seeds contain useful fats that help reduce fat on the stomach. Useful fats also contain antioxidants that are struggling and restored skin damage. But, despite all the benefits that our organism gives the nuts, it is worth remembering that they are calorie and when they are used in large quantities you can gain several extra kilograms. Tip: Almonds - excellent snack before training thanks to an amino acid that can help you burn more fat and carbohydrates.

Green tea

Green tea is one of the natural fat burning beverages, which helps to remove toxins from the body. The regular use of the tea "Match" will help reduce fat deposits and reduce cholesterol. Also, green tea helps the body to recover faster after intensive workouts. Tip: To reduce weight, it is recommended to drink from three to five cups (about one liter) of green tea per day. But be careful: if you have low pressure, the amount of beverage needs to be reduced - tea can lower it even more.

And remember the products listed above can help you launch the right processes in the body to reduce weight, but excessive use of any product leads to exceeding the daily calorie norm and, accordingly, to a weight setting.

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