How to distinguish psychological hypnosis from clinical


Hypnotherapy is a very serious tool. In Israel, for example, the activity of the hypnotherapist is licensed, because a person is in a state of hypnosis as a car with an open hood - can be fixed, you can break. If you have seen the victims of religious sects, then you have seen only part of hypnosis capabilities.

On the other hand, hypnosis is hypnosis. Basically, hypnosis consider the psychological form of suggestive induction. It is based on the anticipation of the recipient when he readily performs the teams of the psychotherapist, being sure that it is hypnotized. Such "hypnosis" is an excellent tool of psychotherapy in cases of emergency, when it is necessary to quickly remove the symptom to alleviate the suffering of a person. For the treatment of pathologies, this type of hypnosis (it is sometimes called "Erickson") is not suitable, but it is for this that it is most often used in hypnotherapy. Result - the disease is always refundable.

It is worthwhile that such cases there is another - a real, clinical hypnosis, which differs from its fellow because nothing depends on the patient during the hypnotherapy session. Rather, on the contrary, he loses control over his body and is experiencing about the same feeling that each of us experienced in childhood, when waking up, I got up for a rapid leg and unexpectedly fell on the floor, without feeling support.

The horror, which at the same time covered you - this is what a person is experiencing, losing control over his body, over his hand or foot during hypnotherapy using clinical hypnosis.

What is so good about it? The fact is that treatment of psychosomatic ailments (panic attacks, phobias, spasms, skin lesions and others) is based on the elimination of those pathologies that they cause them. It allows them to be described above emotional emissions, which is nothing more than a symptom provocation (at the heart of any pathology - a terrible sense of personal physical helplessness).

That is why this explosion is defined in the memory of the patient traumatic memories, and an experienced psychotherapist always looks like a face face in them. To end with her, the patient will have to survive every of his psychotrames anew to free up stuck emotions. A new life experience always gives a person a reason to reconsider his views.

So in hypnotherapy - a patient who overwhelmed with the help of a hypnotherapist through his fears will rethink the former life attitudes, and this will mean a positive trend in treatment. As a rule, disorder, if it is eliminated using somnambulic hypnosis, is no longer returned.

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