How to love a small apartment


Fact - not every resident of even a big city can afford a large number of square meters. In this case, it absolutely does not make sense, if you can not change anything. We will try to show you the situation on the other, the positive side.

Let's start with the fact that a small apartment is easier to sculpt, furnish with furniture, it is less for it to pay less and easier to make cleaning. Specialists from the American University conducted surveys and concluded that small sizes of the apartment directly affect the psyche of the person living in it. Although it is understandable and without research. Let's try to change the attitude towards the situation, share your thoughts with you.

Put the furniture closer to the window

Put the furniture closer to the window


And how in Paris?

The most romantic city in the world, the abode of artists and writers at all times - all this is Paris. Our choice fell on it. Not only representatives of elite societies are dreaming here, but also ordinary people who seek here for the best life. And by the way, Parisian apartments, for the most part, are very compact. And here it does not surprise anyone.

If you have at least a small balcony, you can recreate a French corner: Put a small table and a braided chair. Residents of the southern regions of the country, you can decorate a balcony around the perimeter of living colors if the temperature does not fall below five degrees.

In the kitchen, tremble a few high-quality photos with views of Paris, which will help to recreate the spirit of the city without leaving their home.

You can choose any other city at your request - the main thing that the atmosphere inspires you to the great accomplishment and pleased the eyes.

Seasonably use space

Seasonably use space


Apartment on the principle of Zen-mini

The inhabitants of China and Japan also live in not the most elegant conditions, but feel comfortable. The eastern way of life implies a reasonable use of a living area, where every centimeter does not stand idle without a case.

The first thing you need to do is remove all unnecessary things. Bed linen Clean in boxes under the bed or on a specially designated shelf.

Think about what color you want to paint the walls and the ceiling, remember that the light tones expand the space, and the dark, on the contrary, grind it.

Eastern lifestyle calls to use all residential space

Eastern lifestyle calls to use all residential space



Translated into Russian "Tiny House". Its essence is that it is possible to live, bypassing a minimum of things, for each of which you can find your place. One famous American designer lives in the house on the wheels, which he adjusted under this style: there are also large windows through which a lot of light come, and the folding sofa, which is distributed only as needed, the table smoothly goes into the windowsill and shelves for books. In his house, every detail "works" and fits perfectly into the interior.

Creative chaos

No, we do not encourage scattering things left and right. The main thing is not to overdo it. If you do any needlework, take some space to equip a kind of "corner", where your finished works will be. Thus, you will reduce the stress level, simply periodically replenish the collection on the wall or on the table with new crafts.

However, not everyone has the ability to needlework, in this case you can decorate the space with pictures of your favorite artists or souvenirs brought from travel.

This method will allow you to "paint" the room. In the room where there are not too many furniture, and the walls "put" on your psyche, such a bright corner will be the outstand, where you can sit down, consider your collection and distract from problems and negative thoughts.

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