Perfect age: Pregnancy Features in 30


Today, the average age of a woman planning the first child is 30 years old. Even at the beginning of the century, there was a similar one in the wonder - as a rule, by the 30 years, the woman had already at least one child. However, modern realities dictate their conditions under which women have to adapt, and often motherhood has to postpone on a later date. Many women, such a perspective plunges in the bay of despondency, because most of the girlfriends have long been taking pictures with children, recording them in mugs and school. Do not hurry to upset, according to experts, in pregnancy after 30 there are its advantages that we decided to gather in our article.

Your partner will be more responsible parent.

If young fathers do not always fully realize their new position, then mature men fit the role of the Father much more responsible - starting with planning until the child appears to the light, the man passes this path with the woman, and therefore his connection with the child and his mother becomes more Muckly, while the young fathers rarely dedicate to the baby for the age of all their time, in which they didn't all have time to "fly away", and therefore a man begins to look for a reason to sniff out from home or delayed at work, since child care is a pretty serious test For a man. Of course, age does not always act as a decisive factor, however, the statistics of inexhaustible are most often the most responsible parents, and especially fathers - people for 30.

You will be consciously approach to the role of mother

You will be consciously approach to the role of mother


You are planning pregnancy

It is very rare to meet a woman who, after 30 years old, became Mom by chance. To this age, a woman understands what she wants, what kind of man is needed, in most cases only 30 woman "becomes on the feet" in the material plan, which means it becomes more independent and can independently decide exactly how she plans to give birth to who will accompany Her on this difficult way and how to ensure herself and his child, if the baby does not work out with the father of the kid.

Are you psychologically ready for the birth of a child

As we said, the woman "is growing" in a social plan closer to 30, and at the same time there is a calm on the soul and inner confidence. Young mothers are most often prepared for the emergence of a child due to the youth of the body, which did not have time to obtain additional diseases, but the psycho-emotional state of the woman is fully aligned with only a decade later. Therefore, you can hardly meet the nervous mommy for 30 - it is already ready to take on a difficult one, but probably one of the most important roles in his life.

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