Sexual lull: what to do during the abstinence


Active sex life at some point can be interrupted for various reasons: disease, lack of partner, recent birth, long business trips and other situations that we cannot affect. Many women are very worried about the abstinence moment, however, we collected a small action plan, if in the near future it is not foreseen of romantic evenings with your loved one.

We are engaged in our health

Sometimes we are so passionate about our second half that we forget about everything, including our health. The passage in sexual relationships can be a great reason to be thoroughly taken for themselves, the first thing is to visit the gynecologist, which will prescribe the necessary tests and advise current contraception methods. If you are worried about pain and unpleasant feelings of incomprehensible origin, do not pull with advice.

At some point, sex life can be paused

At some point, sex life can be paused


We pay time to friends

When we have no problems with personal life, we try to spend as much time as possible with your second half, while there are practically no strength on friends. Why not devote the freed time to your loved ones? Offer to get together to everyone who you have not seen and arrange a pleasant evening in the company of good people, instead of "squeezing" at home, while personal life is "pause".

Allow yourself a little relax

It is no secret that women require much more effort to maintain attractiveness in the eyes of men. Lack of sex is a great opportunity to "pull on the brakes" monthly epilation, exhausting workouts and other activity that a woman needs to feel their female strength. Of course, we do not encourage yourself to run, you just can skip the next session of the anti-cellulite massage or not put in the basket new strips for depilation.

Do not download the head of other people's opinions.

The sex life of every person can be in the root differ from the life of friends, acquaintances and other people. Someone cannot present his day without sex, while others calmly live more than one decade without sexual contacts. It is important to understand what place is sex in your life, if you do not want or can not have sex, you should not listen to people who are trying to convince you in the opposite.

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