3 Intimate Secret


After childbirth, some time, the Lono will be wider than before. And the pleasure of her husband from the seisions will be less. You should not be afraid of this, you need to take only some measures. Our grandmothers give advice.

1. Gooseberry

In addition to strengthening, it removes an unpleasant smell, and he, alas, happens, and also controls the delicate of allocations.

We take 10 berries gooseberries, and how much and cook them in clean water. The resulting mass is cooled in the freezer. Bring the mixture to room temperature and place in conventional clean water; When the mixture is cool, apply it to the vagina immediately after taking the bath; This berry effectively restores the elasticity and elasticity of the muscles intimate here.

2. Aloe Vera

Scarlet proven means for tightening extended vaginal tissues. In addition, it instantly eliminates the vaginal toide and dryness.

Hall the two tablespoons of the juice from the plant and apply it to the inner and outer part of the germ lip.

3. Charging.

It is best to do exercises, lying on the back to fully relax. Just compress and dispense your muscles. Street a few minutes, and then relax them for a few seconds, and repeat again.

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