Diva Universal will tell truthful Hollywood stories


The whole truth about the first-sized stars from the first person and with frank comments will appear in the Trunce Hollywood Story show on Diva Universal in the summer of 2012.

Want to know who of the beginners of the singers refused to duet himself Justin Timberlaku? Or who from Hollywood actresses on the first date instead of a bouquet of flowers presented a chocolate bar? And maybe you wonder how the hair color affects the writing of the song? Then do not miss the premiere of "Vravoy Hollywood History" on Diva Universal! From July 2, on the Diva Universal TV channel, one of the channels of the Universal Networks International, a series of documentaries about the personal life and creativity of celebrities with world name begins. You are waiting for the most outstanding details about Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Christine Aguilera, Justin Bieber, and others.

Cameron Diaz

The actress with the face of Angel, Cameron Diaz, was to be born a boy: her father dreamed passionately. However, a girl with a truly kidney character appeared on the world, which was given a truly male name - Cameron. Together with the sister, the future star climbed on the trees and fought with neighboring boys, and, having matured, circled former opponents to sparring their appearance and long legs. Becoming the model, she went to Japan, and then she conquered Hollywood. Want to know who lived at Cameron Diaz at home, how many times she broke her nose and why did she like to laugh at himself? - Then watch the "truthful Hollywood story about Cameron Diaz" on July 2 at 21:30 on the Diva Universal TV channel.

Courtney Cox

Courtney Cox is one of the most beautiful actresses of Hollywood - in childhood and did not dream of becoming a star. Its first work was a telephone call on behalf of one of the charitable foundations, and the first salary was $ 3 per hour. She easily transferred the divorce of the parents, and after they found their happiness in the face of other people, she became 12 senior brothers and sisters. After seeing the "truthful Hollywood story about Courtney Coke" July 9 at 21:30 on the Diva Universal channel, you Also learn what the word the future star of the first spent on the air, what she did during idleness in the cinema and learn the recipe for a branded soup from Courtney Coke.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston has millions of fans around the world. Every year she occupies a leading position in the top of the most popular people of the Planet: Her men will be careful, women imitate her. Jennifer Aniston considers himself a very romantic man who was lucky in life. Her father, too, the actor, at first was not delighted with the choice of his daughter profession: he wanted Jennifer to become a lawyer. However, the natural talent took over. See the "truthful Hollywood story about Jennifer Aniston" on July 16 at 21:30 on the Diva Universal TV channel and you will learn what a Jen contest withstanding to get into the prestigious acting school, how a little bit had not broken my career in the 90s. And how was the wife of one of the most desirable men Hollywood.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Famous actress Gwyneth Paltrow was born in a mixed family: her father was the descendant of an old rabbinsky kind, and the mother belonged to the family of prosperous quakers of Pennsylvanian Germans. For a long time, she wore a label "Daughter Blytte Danner and Bruce Paltrow" and "Brad Pitt's Girl", but talent together with hardworking made a true Hollywood Princess from an attractive blonde. Gwyneth Paltrow admits that in her career there were both interesting projects and shooting in base films in which she participated only because of the fee. The owner of the Oscar premium, Gwyneth, in addition to filming, is engaged in both the musical career. "Truthful Hollywood Story about Gwyneth Paltrow", which you can watch July 23 at 21:30 on the Diva Universal channel, will tell who in the early 2000s pursued the actress in which she is relations with Stephen Spielberg and why her daughter is named after fruit.

Taylor Swift

Young and perspective asterisk Taylor Swift always knew what he wanted to do. Since childhood, her true passion was music. Confidence in the talent of Young Taylor attached and grandmother - successfully touring the opera singer. Already in 12 years, Taylor Swift performed the US Anthem at the opening ceremony of the 76th Philadelphian Games. And in 14, her famous California musician noticed her when the girl performed with his composition at the showcase cafe. You will see the "truthful Hollywood story about Taylor Swift" July 30 at 21:30 on Diva Universal and learn how many awards already have a 22-year-old Country performer, whoever she would have happened if she did not pull the singe career, and that she did not share with the famous rapper.

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera began singing from diaper. No one could understand where such a strong voice appears in such a small girl, because Christina never learned to sing professionally. At 18, she became a real pop star, and in a year she received the prestigious Prize "Grammy".

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Now she applauded millions when, as in childhood she suffered from the envy of classmates. "Truthful Hollywood Story about Christine Aguilera", shown on August 6 at 21:30 on Diva Universal, will tell who became the first listener of the star, who she learned to scenic movements and why Mom Christina accompanied her daughter to the class door.

Justin Bieber

His grandmother was a talented pianist, dad plays a guitar wonderfully, and my mother sings. It is not surprising that love for music manifested itself from Justin Bieber completely at a young age. He never engaged in vocals professionally, but on the first song competition in his life took second place. Subsequently, the record laid out on the Internet has made the bieber popular. He is only 18, and he already turns profitable transactions, choosing the most profitable contracts. The singer charges his fans with optimism and urges everyone to believe in the authenticity of teenage love. In the "truthful story about Justin Bieber", which will be released on Diva Universal on August 13 at 21:30, you will learn who from your idiot Bieber has refused to be in collaboration, under what number it is more comfortable to act and that the star prefers for lunch.

Katy Perry

The future pop icon Katy Perry was born in a quiet sleepy town in the family of very religious Christians. Despite the fact that her parents were injured in his youth for banned drugs and listened to Jimmy Handricks, the three children of the Hudson family (this is the real singer's surname) was brought up in religious strictness. That is why in 2001 the future star released a disk with songs into Christian motives. Perhaps America's preachers would acquire in the face of Katie a real ideological inspirer, but from the true path, the girl turned no one as Freddi Mercury. Having moved to Los Angeles, Perry changes not only the last name, but also the style of execution. About the adventures of Katy Perry in the "city of Angelov", her novel with one of the funniest people of the planet and love for color change you will learn, looking at the "truthful story about Katy Perry" August 27 at 21:30 on the Diva Universal channel.

See the "truthful Hollywood history" on the Diva Universal TV channel every Monday at 21:30 in July and August.

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