Money for the wind: why there is no effect from laser epilation


First you should figure out what result you expect from laser hair removal. If you want to get rid of the hair forever, then the laser hair removal is not suitable for you. Sanitary Supervision Food and Medications Department of the US Department of Health (FDA) did not approve laser hair removal as a hair removal method forever. According to FDA, laser hair removal has a temporary effect: As a result of the course of the procedures, the amount of hair decreases by about 70-90%, but after the break, the hair growth can be resumed with a new force. Such an unpleasant complication is called paradoxical hypertrichosis and occurs about 10% of cases. Therefore, it is better not to delete the "mustache" above the Laser - you can find many reviews on the Internet about aggravated hair growth on the face that is after laser hair removal.

Electricity - painful, but efficiently

The only epilation method that eliminates hair is forever, an electrophalation is recognized. The essence of this method is to destroy the stem cells of the hair by entering the needles in the hair follicle with a small discharge of the current. It is worth paying preference to this type of epilation if you are worried about excess hair growth on the face due to hormonal disorders.

Hormonal disorders reduce laser epilation efficiency

Hormonal disorders reduce laser epilation efficiency


The lack of effect from laser hair removal can be explained by the following reasons:

Inappropriate color. The work of the laser is aimed at destruction in the hair of the color pigment - melanin. Therefore, the best effect is achieved with a combination of dark hair and light skin. If you are the owner of light or practically colorless powder hair (as well as gray), laser hair removal, alas, will not have a proper effect.

Hormonal disorders. Hisutism caused by an elevated level of androgens is not amenable to treatment with a laser. It will only help the aforementioned electrophalation.

Insufficient number of procedures. For one zone, it is necessary to undergo a course of 10-12 procedures.

Laser hair removal is more suitable for dark hair and light skin

Laser hair removal is more suitable for dark hair and light skin


Failure to comply with the time intervals between sessions of laser hair removal. At the beginning of the course it is important to regularly repeat the procedures with a small interval, and only 7-8 the time segment procedure between sessions can be increased.

Errors of a specialist in laser hair removal. It is important to always check the qualifications of a specialist, the presence of medical education and a medical license from his clinic in which you make hair removal.

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