How to keep things new longer


What woman did not think about how to keep a new loved dress is the same bright? Over time, any fabric flies: it affects the frequency of socks, the initial quality of the fabric, the correctness of the care. In order not to throw out clothes once a few months, but wearing things for years, it is worth learn the secreets of care.

Choosing detergent

Now the market presents many chemistry for washing: gels, powders, capsules. All modern means are dissolved in water and form a cleaner foam at 30 degrees, that is, on delicate washing mode. In general, according to the composition they are similar, so choose the detergent to your taste. True, in expensive means, the large concentration of the bleach and the stain remover, which is especially important when washing children's things. Such a detergent will accurately clear things from spots, while inexpensive chemistry will only refresh it and relieve small contaminants.

Fabric softener

Many mistresses do not buy air conditioning, considering it useless. In fact, such a tool not only gives a pleasant smell of clothes, but also softens the fabric. The threads are enveloped by the protective layer of chemical softeners, so they become more elastic and easier to be cleaned of spots. Be sure to erase with air conditioning things from wool and railing so that they are nice to the body, and not too tough. To wash children's things, choose air conditioning without fragrance - it will be written "suitable for children's linen" or "odorless". And bed linen, on the contrary, wash with aromatic air conditioning - the closet will be a pleasant smell of clean linen.

Erase underwear with air conditioning

Erase underwear with air conditioning


Machine from Katilov

A small device on batteries is cut with surface sprinkles, resulting from friction with another clothing during socks. The machine does not injure the fabric, cutting literally 1-2 mm from the main layer. Be sure to handle things in such a device so that they look for a long time. If your favorite T-shirt has been dealt with, but you do not want to say goodbye to her, the machine will help extend the life of its service. Clothes with rollers is always striking, walking in such considered a movietone.

Choose blended fabrics

Everyone is accustomed that the best thing is that is made of natural fabric. True, cotton and cashmere clothing quickly comes in disrepair with a constant sock. It is better if 10-15% of the composition will occupy artificial material - elastane. This is a polyurethane fabric that gives clothes elasticity and resistance to mechanical damage. On the clothes made of blended tissue are slower and rollers. No wonder fashionable designers gradually switch to artificial fabric - these are high-tech fibers, tightly fastened with each other, often in practical properties are better natural.

Consider the manufacturer's recommendations

Before buying things, carefully study the label. Usually manufacturers indicate, with what temperature mode it is necessary to wash the thing and how to care for it. For example, things from natural wool and cashmere can only be stored in folded and washed in a delicate wash mode. And the coat and coats can only be cleaned in a dry cleaning, otherwise the fabric stretches and swell. It is also important to understand that practically no things can be dried in the sun, especially those that are made of bright tissues - under the action of ultraviolet radiation it will become faded and unevenly painted.

Do not dry things in the sun

Do not dry things in the sun


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