Anastasia Stotskaya is pregnant?


Anastasia Stotskaya infrequently talks about his personal life. Most recently, the fans learned how the spouse of the singer looks like, with whom she has been happy for several years. And it happened because the pictures became part of the photo report from the birthday of her son. As for the frank interviews, their artist gives extremely rarely. Perhaps, therefore, for most fans, the birth of the singer firstborn became a surprise.

Moreover, the public intrigued the conversations that Stotskaya is waiting for a child again. The most attentive noticed that Nastya began to wear fairly loose clothes. For example, in the photo that appeared a few days ago, the singer appeared in trousers, a wide long blouse that does not emphasize the waist of the girl, and in a coat of free cut. Another picture, Nastya poses in a wide straight dress, which Cryo reminds the night shirt. In addition, on most photographs in social networks, Anastasia, as it were, accidentally covers the stomach. In general, the most concerned there is a feeling that Stotskaya really hides something.

This suspension of Anastasia Stotska presented a husband. Photo:

This suspension of Anastasia Stotska presented a husband. Photo:

Oils in the fire poured a gift from the spouse of the singer. "Somehow I saw a bracelet in the ribbon on the wrist on the wrist with a figurine of a little man and fell in love with this original decoration?! Hinted her beloved that I want the same. This morning, he presented to me such a wonderful gift - a small man with the initials of our son? We are with the baby in full delight! " (The author's spelling and punctuation was preserved, - approx. Womanhit), - wrote a singer. And some fans are confident that such sentimentality can also be characteristic of a girl in an interesting position. The singer itself does not give any comments, so fans can only wait for the development of events.

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