Maniac who exactly overtakes!


The subconscious surprises with his metaphors, so voluminous and visual, which is just a divide.

Sleeping one young woman (it is important to know the context - she only turned 30 years old).

"I am pursuing a maniac who knows everything about me! With whom I, where I am, where to go! To reassure his persecution a little, he asks to transfer to him 30,000 rubles. I run to the bank, but I see that I have 36,000 rubles in my wallet. I am glad that at least I will be able to hide from him. And later on this day I receive a letter from him that he knows that I tried to hide this money. "

Sleep is transparent: a maniac who knows everything is time. 30 years she paid him. And 6 years tried to hide, hide. But she can not hide it from the lifetime. Apparently, 6 years is a time that has a meaning for a dream. The time she planned somehow. Perhaps I wanted to live for myself (as in a dream she thought to postpone money for himself). But the pursuer, that is, the time of her life, knows that these "money" will have to be credited to the account.

In modern age psychology, there is a crisis of 30 years - the time when the first powerful revaluation of life benchmarks, plans, dreams occur. In most cases, people are determined to this age with their profession and are implemented in the family. What's next? Then they are going to recognize the fact that the time of their life is not infinite. What now they are in the flourish forces, but it is worth separating plans from dreams. Daring and imagination of youth remained in the past, but not so much time to truly create something valuable. In addition, when a social program is implemented, a family has been created and a profession is chosen, then the question remains: what do I want to? The choice of profession is often a tribute to fashion, pressure of parents. The creation of the family and the birth of children is the most powerful instinct. And even if all these values ​​were created at will and more or less consciously, then from the question "What am I myself / herself really want?" Not anywhere to hide.

Probably, our dreamy in a dream lives its venue crisis, hiding from fate time for himself.

And what dreams of you?

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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