How not to recover with the onset of cold


Julia Enhel, Beauty and Health Expert:

"In autumn, the body is rebuilt under the new temperature regime. The easiest way to warm up is to eat. How to help yourself rebuild and not recover?

Dress up warmer, preferring things from natural fabrics.

Choose nutritious, but not too fat products. For example, instead of flour and sweets Eat fruit. Fried replace baked.

Refuse warming and hot "tempts" - wine, mulled wine, tea with candies. They should prefer hot broths and soups. They warm and satisfy. Now there are many fresh seasonal vegetables, for light soup - perfect!

Observe the power mode. Eat in small portions, but every 3-4 hours.

Walk on the street in the afternoon. In the fall, the light day is reduced, which reduces the level of serotonin in our body and increases appetite. The light promenade after dinner will help you not only to recharge the light batteries, but also burn a hundred-of-another calories.

Julia Enhel, Beauty and Health Expert

Julia Enhel, Beauty and Health Expert

Drink water! In the cold season, we need it no less than in the summer, but often forget about it. Remember that water speeds up chemical reactions in the body, that is, the same metabolism; Biochemical metabolic processes occur in an aquatic environment; Water helps the fi splitting process when a protein has been received from food; Displays slags from the body; improves the work of the kidneys and liver, which prevent the propagation of toxins in the body; Water helps each cell get rid of waste, displays toxins.

Diversify the beverage menu can also be green tea. Try not to abuse coffee, love for a hot circle of which with the onset of cold weather is especially increasing. But remember: caffeine contributes to the deposition of fat, and we are fighting with him.

Drive an active lifestyle - sign up for dances or in the sports club. After all, with the onset of cold weather, we begin to move less, spend more time at home, moving in transport, and not on foot ... Loading helps to faster cooling the body, and we try to warm up not only clothes, but also fat food. In addition, physical exertion will allow not only to "warm up" the body, but also to hone silhouette.

Diverse the ration with products containing vitamins B and D. Vitamin B - fish, meat, liver, spinach, nuts, bean, cauliflower, broccoli - plays a large role in cellular metabolism and organism improvement. Vitamin D - fish oil, herring, mackerel, tuna, cheese, caviar - at the same time represents a hormone, and fat-soluble vitamin. "

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