Duane Johnson showed himself a hero


On Monday, Duane Johnson, who played a rescuer in the film-catastrophe "San Andreas", proved that he was ready for feats in real life. The actor showed himself a real hero and saved his life to two puppies. About this Duine personally told in his "Instagram".

"This is what a funny story happened on the day of Labor (US National Day, celebrated on the first Monday of September - approx. Womanhit). In our family just appeared two new member: French Bulldog puppies. In my right hand, Bruut, and in the left Hobbs, - shared in the signature to the photos of Johnson published in the social network. - I brought them home and immediately decided to take a walk so that they began to learn to protect their need as big boys. I put them on the ground, but they immediately ran into the sprint speed and fell into the pool. Hobbs began to row a doggy like a crazy, and Brick went to the bottom.

I rushed behind them and jumped into the water right in clothes. First of all, I picked up my brick, that is, Bruta, and put it on the edge of the pool. At first he trembled from fear, and then came to himself and looked at me. And in his eyes, I read: "Thank God, you didn't make my mouth in the mouth." And after the ran to play with his brother.

And I learned a few lessons. A) Not all puppies have an instinct to swimming a doggy. B) Some puppies, as brut, come in such a shock from contact with water, which begin to sink very quickly, so it is necessary to act immediately. C) When you want to save your dogs before jumping into the water, pull out your phone. Do not hold him in your pocket, as I did. Total: Brut alive, Hobbs learned to swim, my phone died. "

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