Phytoextracts will be returned with the youth and beauty of the skin


"In contrast to the synthetic ingredients, phytoextracts have a softer, physiological effect and contain many active substances in an optimal concentration," says Tatyana Zakharova, a beautician and teacher of the MegaSPA training center. - For example, fruit

Acids derived from plants act more delicately than their chemically synthesized analogs.

In addition, in phytocosmetics, it is usually contained not one extract, but a whole complex of specially selected plants, each of which complements mutually and enhances each other's action.

At the moment, about 320 thousand species of plants are known, but only a small part of them fell into the atlas of medicinal. The effect of healing plants is determined by the active substances contained in them, which are not in other plants: glycosides, flavonoids, tanning substances, essential oils, vitamins.

Therapeutic properties have compounds that are called pharmacologically active in medicine. They are most valuable, although plants usually contain them in minimal quantities.

There are official medicinal plants, the raw materials are allowed for the production of medicines in a particular country. The list of such plants is limited and is given in the State Register of Medicines.

But the widest category is medicinal medicine medicinal plants. Information about their effectiveness does not undergo official inspection, nevertheless, plants from this group are actively used in the provision of medical care in many countries.

All medicinal herbs contain one or more substances with therapeutic properties. When assessing them, it is necessary to know exactly which part then will be used (stems, flowers, fruits, kidneys, roots) and at what time of year this plant should be harvested. Almost every medicinal plant requires its method of collecting and drying.

Before launching in production, be sure to check whether the obtained plant material satisfies the required conditions (the concentration of nutrients, the composition of the plant, environmental purity). For example, manufacturers of cosmetics yon-ka had a case when they had to break the contract with a firm that had worsened the quality of the shipped sea dirt. "

World map

The properties of certain healing plants are strongly dependent on the place of their growing and factors such as humidity and air temperature, the number of sunny days a year and precipitation, the quality of the soil and the proximity of other plants. We will only tell me about some of the most attractive plants from different parts of the world from the point of view of cosmetology.

In the subtropical nature of the new light, you can meet hibiscus - a plant with lush buds of different colors. His beauty attracts gardeners around the world, so it can often be found in flower greenhouses and in homes.

Thanks to a rich chemical composition, hibiscus extract is widely used in cosmetology. It contains oligopeptides, alpha hydroxy acid, tannins and flavonoids. As part of creams, hibiscus extract normalizes the selection of skin sebum, narrows the extended pores, moisturizes and smoothes the skin, updates the cells, has a soft anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Effective strengthening bioculating ADVANCED Optimizer Serum from YON-KA contains hybiscus peptides, which protect the fibers of the dermis from destruction, stimulate the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, reinforce the process of natural skin restoration. The maximum concentration of biologically active substances in serum contributes to a noticeable rejuvenation, an increase in skin elasticity and the restoration of the contours of the face.

From Guatemala to the state of Oregon, coniferous cypresses can be found, preferring subtropical climates. Cypress essential oil has a tart, resinous, deep fragrance, and the beneficial properties of oil are actively used in modern cosmetology. It is suitable for the care of thin sensitive skin, inclined to irritation, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, regenerates skin cells, eliminates cooperosis.

The combination of wet equatorial air, brought by the south-western monsoon, and the sea tropical air of the Atlantic creates ideal conditions for growing such a gentle plant as Mimosa. It is noteworthy that one of its varieties, Brazilian Mimosa (Mimosa Humilis), is called "a notching", because it throws off the leaves with the easiest touch.

By the way, in cosmetology, a completely different variety of mimosa is used, than the one, which is customary to give us to International Women's Day. Mimosa essential oil is obtained from mimosa flowers and buds. The attachment method of extraction. This is an excellent tool for sensitive, prone to irritation and redness of the skin, it has an antiseptic and astringent effect. The smell of Mimosa's essential oil is wonderfully soothes, relieves stress and depression, this oil is used in perfumes and aromatherapy, although you won't call it cheap.

Mimosa Tenuflora (Mimosa Tenuflora), which is rich in flavonoids, has useful cosmetic properties. They are effective in combating free radicals and prevent premature skin aging.

A light moisturizing emulsion Fruitelia from Yon-Ka, containing fruit acids and mimosa cortex extract, has a regenerating, antioxidant action, increases the protective properties of the skin. Its gentle texture easily and quickly penetrates the epidermis deep, reduces the amount and depth of wrinkles, moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic.

The hot subequatorial climate of Africa is a real test for durability for any plant. Those that pass it produce a magnificent adaptation and protective system that allow them to resist the sewing sun and drought.

Such unique plants include geranium.

The familiar indoor flower was brought from South Africa to Europe in decorative purposes, amongver the fact that he was actively used in medicine in his homeland. With it, he was treated with the diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal diseases, healing wounds, burns, ulcers, filmed headaches.

In modern cosmetology, geranium essential oil is actively used, which perfectly eliminates inflammatory reactions and peeling of dry and sensitive skin, promotes rapid cell regeneration and removal of toxins.

Geranium essential oil is represented in two Lotion lotions from YON-KA, designed to care for normal and oily skin, as well as dry and sensitive. When spraying, the lotion forms a wet aromatic "cloud", creating a feeling of extraordinary freshness. The magnificent composition of the lotion also includes lavender essential oils, rosemary, thyme and cypress ("Golden Five") effectively tones, restores, softens and soothes the skin.

In North Africa, a rare evergreen tree is growing under the name of Moring. It is rich in a tyrosine that promotes the production of melanin in the skin is distinguished by a high calcium content that increases the energy of skin cells. Proteins of Moring Seeds limit the penetration into the skin of metal oxides, protect fibroblasts from mercury and cadmium, neutralize the harmful effects on the skin of the tobacco smoke. In addition, Moring restores damaged and dry skin, helps with different skin diseases.

The Atlantic Ocean and the warm flow of Golf Stream, and the Pyrenees, the Alps and the Balkan Mountains are detaining cold air masses when they move them to the south, have a huge impact on the climate of Europe. It is not surprising that the plants of the subtropical zone are dominated by the sun, a gentle sea breeze and a comfortable temperature. Here are the ideal conditions for growing and saturating all the useful substances from the surrounding nature. Hence the family of the Mirt, belonging to the eucalyptus family, the leaves and branches of which are used in the preparation of essential oil and healing extracts. The leaves and flowers of the Mirta exude a very bright pleasant fragrance.

According to the old Arab legend, Mirt comes from the paradise garden, it is a symbol of youth and beauty. In ancient Greece, the brides was taken to decorate mytrent wreaths. And the Egyptians opened the ability of Mirta to favorably affect the skin and resist various microbes. They used the pool water for daily washing, for their beneficial and rejuvenating properties, she received the name angel.

"The Essential Oil of Mirta has an anti-inflammatory effect and is suitable for any type of skin, and the extract of Mirta perfectly tones and strengthens the small capillaries, restores the elasticity of the skin and fights with free radicals, - Tatyana Zakharov's story continues. - In the regenerating daily cream Vital Defense against YON-KA, Mirta extract provides an antioxidant effect and helps to remove the first signs of aging. Other active ingredients of cream - Moring, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamins A, C, E, Sandal, Philodendron and Barley - contribute to intense moistening and skin protection, saturated with oxygen and revitalize "tired", dehydrated skin.

In addition, Europe is a homeland beech tree whose kidneys have long been used in medicine and are considered a universal tool from many diseases. They contain tannins, pectins, sugars, phytohormones, phytosterols, flavonoids, organic acids, essential oils and a whole treasury of unique natural substances necessary to maintain youth. Extract kidney beech used

In cosmetology for the help of dehydrated, sensitive, prone to irritation and skin allergies. It stimulates blood circulation, saturates skin cells with oxygen, has regenerating and regenerating action.

As part of an anti-age cream with a phyto 52 lifting effect from Yon-ka Beech kidney extract plays a special role, contributing to regeneration and increasing skin tone, in addition, it has an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect, narrows pores and strengthens the structure of the epidermis. In synergies with 12% rosemary extract and lavender essential oils, rosemary, geranium, thyme and cypress, he launches powerful rejuvenation processes and activates the life forces of skin cells. "

In the subtropical and subequatorial climate of Southeast Asia, the impert grows

Cylindrical - reed-like plant with dense dense shoots. Warm and enough wet climate generously fills the plant moisture. The impert is rich in potassium and a special substance with tridimethyl sulfopopropyonate, which increases the amount of water entering the skin cells. The root extract is cylindrical impends moisture penetration from the outside and is able to hold it in the epidermis within 24 hours, therefore, it is often used in preparations for intensive humidification. It has been proven that when applied to the skin in an hour, the moisturity of the epidermis increases by 57%.

In addition, the extract from the imperative activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, has an immunomodulatory activity, contributes to the improvement of local microcirculation.

It is possible to find a cylindrical imperator in a moisturizing mask of the prolonged action Masque No. 1 from Yon-Ka. It has a delicate relaxing aroma of roses and jasmine, perfectly softens and soothes the skin, provides a long wetting effect, smoothes superficial wrinkles and helps the skin fight with free radicals. It also includes bacapop extract, jojoba oil and sandalwood, vitamins A, B5, C and E.

In Indonesia and in the Philippines, a ylang-ylang grows, whose name is translated as a "flower flower". This is a great remedy for rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin of any type, it removes inflammation and irritation, regulates the production of sebum, restores the health of brittle, thinned hair, gives it shine.

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