Jessica Alba cries children?


Jessica Alba and her company "HONEST", which is engaged in the production of environmentally friendly products for children, submitted outrageous buyers. They accuse the movie descend in deception and demand to refund five million dollars of moral damage.

In befell the lawsuit, it is argued that sunscreen produced by children do not cope with their function. As evidence, the affected buyers have attached photos of their burnt kids burnt in the sun. The plaintiffs also argue that creams contain synthetic components, while the instructions says that only natural ingredients are included in the composition.

On Jessica Alba filed buyers of its company products. Photo:

On Jessica Alba filed buyers of its company products. Photo:

It is noteworthy that this is the third lawsuit filed against Alba and her company. In July, a number of buyers also expressed their claims to sunscreen. And last week, a certain Jonaton Rubin said that the production was not natural, produced by HONEST.

Jessica called all the accusations nominated against her with unreasonable and outrageous. The actress reported that all the products, including sunscreens, passed an independent examination and was recognized effective.

Perturbed buyers attached photos of their burnt children to the art. Photo:

Perturbed buyers attached photos of their burnt children to the art. Photo:

Recall, the company founded his company in 2011. And last year, it was estimated at one billion dollars. In addition to the goods for children (diapers, nipples, toys, etc.), HONEST also offers environmentally friendly products for women (tampons, shampoos, etc.) and at home (soap, mattresses, etc.).

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