In the animal world: 7 zoos who need to be visited


Many people do not like zoos, because they think that animals live poorly in captivity. But there are such places that are more like reserves: there are no avians, a lot of space, and the inhabitants live in a natural environment. Today we will tell you about the seven zoos of the world, in which it is accurate to visit.

Zoo Singapore

In this zoo, the animals accurately feel at home: there are no lattices and helpers, and from visitors of our smaller brothers separated glass walls and pivops with water. The area of ​​this place is impressive - more than 2500 species of wild animals have placed on 28 hectares of the rainforest. The territory is divided into 11 thematic areas, in each of which canyons, rivers and mountains are artificially created - everything that is needed by an animal. Interestingly, visitors to the zoo can go to the night safari and see the predators hunt.

Zoo Ranua, Finland

The northernmost zoo in the world, the wound is not far from the capital of Lapland, almost at the most polar circle. About 200 animals of the Arctic live here: Polar bears, reindeer, sands, wolverines. In winter, visitors can not only look at animals, but also ride on a dog harness or snowmobile, as well as go to the ski track. In the summer of entertainment no less - equestrian club and auto. It is noteworthy that it is in this zoo that the veterinary care is working in which animals are brought from all over the country. After treatment, the beast is either released to the will, or leave in the zoo if doctors understand that he will not survive in the wild.

Amazing Galapagos Turtles live in Prague Zoo

Amazing Galapagos Turtles live in Prague Zoo

Prague Zoo

The uniqueness of this zoo is that Galapagos Turtles live here - no other Zoo in Europe could provide them with comfortable habitat conditions. Prague Zoo also made a great contribution to the preservation of the Przhevalsky horse. The area of ​​the zoo is located at different levels that connect the suspension road. Here everyone can carry out a children's dream and become a zoo caretaker for one day: you can choose an elephant, a turtle, a giraffe, a camel or tiger. Interactive, for example, on the birthday of Orangutan, all those who have an external similarity with the culprit of the celebration can come to it in Wolter's birthday.

Berlin Zoo

One of the world's eldest zoos (he was opened in 1844) a lot of tests fell - during the Second World War from 3,700 animals survived only 91, and the territory was almost completely destroyed. After years, the zoo managed to restore the zoo, and now it ranks first in the world in a variety - here lives 1500 species of animals.

Zoo San Diego

Probably, none of the world's zoo do not care about their wards better than here: management is constantly trying to improve animal habitat conditions. For example, for Panda, 40 types of bamboo are grown here, for coal - 18 types of eucalyptus, and for polar bears, tons of snow are regularly brought. The territory of the zoo can be explored either on foot or by bus or suspended funicular from which a beautiful view of animals offers.

Do not miss the opportunity to see Panda in San Diego

Do not miss the opportunity to see Panda in San Diego

Tenerife Zoo

The Loro Park is known for the world's largest collection in the world - about 350 species of these amazing birds live here. Throughout the Walk, you will hear their singing. There is a kindergarten for newborn parrots, which feed and surround care. But the zoo is not limited to birds - you can also visit the show with marine quotes or dolphins.

Zoo London

When the zoo was discovered in 1828, it was intended only for scientific research, but in 1847 everyone would be able to visit him. In 1849, the first publicly available serpentarium acting to this day was opened here. It was there that the famous scene was shot with a snake in the film "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone". The total number of animals is 16,000 - this is one of the largest collections of animals in the world.

In this material you will read where you can watch online filming from animal enclosures.

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