Path to the heart of Primateonna: Favorite men Alla Pugacheva



Mycolas Orbakas

Mycolas and Alla met more than fifty years ago, while listening to the candidates for a group for summer circus tour. Pugacheva was then tried at the batch of the accompanist, and mycolas studied in the pop-up-circus school in the fourth year. Already on tour between future spouses, a feeling broke out, and in 1969 they got married. Moreover, the star of the stage even changed the name on the orbachen, but, though, performed under his own.

Alla Pugacheva, Christina Orbakaite and Mycolas Orbakas

Alla Pugacheva, Christina Orbakaite and Mycolas Orbakas

Photo: Personal archive

It seemed that this relationship was impossible to destroy, but soon the Pugacheva had an incredible burst of popularity after the release of the song "Arquino". And with him - endless tour, fans, the attention of men ... Gradually, the spouses were cooled to each other, and the heart of Alla, by rumors, had already broken another man. Two years after the birth of Christina Pugachev and Orbakas divorced.

At mycolas, after parting with the Alla, personal life was very successful. He married literally a year after the divorce on his colleague - Marina Circus Gymnast. They are together to this day. Mycolas also has a son Fabian born in this marriage. He is engaged in computers. Also, Orbakas supports relations with Christina and communicates with its grandchildren.

Alexander Stefanovich

After parting with the first husband Alla, alone was alone. After a few months later, she began to meet with the founder of the team "Cheerful guys" Pavel Slobodkin. But since both of them had an explosive temper, these relationships did not last long. However, the singer met the person with whom she was able to build a rather harmonious relationship for a long period. And this was contributed to the poet Leonid Derbenev. It was he who introduced Pugachev with Alexander Stefanovich.

Alexander at that time was a rather famous documentary director and filmed musical clips. It was the acquaintance with this person in a certain sense that became decisive in the fate of the singer. The experts of the Soviet stage recall that it was Stefanovich who made Pugachev Superstar. He filmed her video clips, directed musical numbers, engaged in an image. In general, completely plunged into the project called "Alla Pugacheva".

Alla Pugacheva and Alexander Stefanovich

Alla Pugacheva and Alexander Stefanovich

Photo: Personal archive

Unfortunately, as it often happens in show business, Stefanovich had species on different women. According to rumors, Once Pugacheva found him with another girl. To tolerate this, she could no longer and decided to part. In 1980, they divorced. At the same time, according to rumors, the director was very scrupulously reacted to the division of jointly proven property. After years later, Stefanovich wrote a novel "Courage" about life with the Great Singer, where he stressed that he loved Alla, but was still too young and hot.

After these relations, he officially never married. He was attributed to the novels with the top model of Alla Mochrenyuk, who starred in his film "Start first", and with Miss USSR, Julia Lemigovaya. In 2011, secular hens even discussed the proposal of the hands and the hearts, which Strefanovich Angelina Vovk. She promised to think, but reflections were delayed. Children, according to official information, he also does not.

Evgeny Boldin

Even during an official marriage with Stefanovich, the singer met with the concert director Evgeny Boldin. At that time, Evgeny was divorced, his daughter grown up. Boldin worked as director of programs of the Festival Department of Rosoncert, and his task began to lure into its organization Alla Pugachev, which at that time was listed in Moskoncert. He managed to do this, because at that time the artist was not completely satisfied with the working conditions: she received meager money for performances, although it was a star. In general, they agreed with Boldin. And in 1980, shortly before the divorce with Stefanovich, Alla proposed to live together. Eugene thought a month, because they say, he had a bride at that moment, but agreed.

Evgeny Boldin and Marina Lyakh

Evgeny Boldin and Marina Lyakh

Lilia Charlovskaya

Perhaps they would have lived in a civil marriage if on top did not indicate that the famous singer should be in official relations. As a result, they painted their secretary of the district party. But literally a year after the marriage, the relationship began to fade. Officially, the spouses divorced only in 1993, because, as Boldin himself told, Pugacheva was quite strong, and it was so it was that she was the first to decide.

After parting with the star's wife, Eugene married Marina from Krasnodar - she is under His 33 years old. It is rumored that they introduced them to Lion Leshchenko. In this marriage, the daughter of Maria appeared.

Philip Kirkorov

When Philip is asked about meeting Alla Pugacheva, he tells an incredible story that he was predicted to marry in the Primateonna. Young Kirkorov went to her to treat his health, and she reported to him that his wife would be the one that Philippe would see home on arrival. Already at home on TV, a young man saw the performance of Alla Pugacheva at the Golden Orpheus Festival. In 1994, Alla married Philip Kirkorov, who under her 18 years.

\ Wedding Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva

\ Wedding Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva

Lilia Charlovskaya

Then Kirkorov was a young popular artist, Alla - the main pop star. Philippit beautifully cared for the future wife: sent huge bouquets of snow-white roses to the room, they met in secular events and somehow suddenly reported to everyone about the engagement. In March 1994 their wedding took place, then the wedding in the Trinity Church in Jerusalem. They say, the wedding permission to them sent by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia for the Patriarch of Alexy II.

This marriage existed eleven years. Sometimes they say that the cause of the divorce was the financial obligations of Philip, who Alla did not want to take over. Now Kirkorov is a single man, but at the same time raising two children who gave birth to a surrogate mother.


Sergey Chelobanov

A talented musician and an arranger came from Balakov, and acquaintance with Pugacheva occurred with the filing of the uncente. Arkady gave the records of the compositions of Chelobanov Presnyakov-senior, who, in turn, gave to listen to their Pugacheva. As a result, she invited Sergey to himself. So, their joint creativity began: Sergey signed a contract with Pugacheva for three years, worked on the project "Christmas meetings".

Alla Pugacheva and Sergey Chemobanov

Alla Pugacheva and Sergey Chemobanov

Photo: Ekaterina Arkhipova

As far as rumors about the novel were true, it's hard to say, because Chamobanov was married, children were growing up, and Pugacheva was not free. Nevertheless, Sergey himself repeatedly admitted that every time his heart was happy at the sight of the singer. He perceived information about the wedding with Kirkorov.

Vladimir Kuzmin

According to eyewitnesses, it was love almost at first glance. After Alla hit the concert to Vladimir Kuzmin in January 1986, she immediately penetrated the feelings to a talented musician. It is saying that romantic relationships began almost immediately, however, the speech was not about the wedding. Kuzmin was official marriage with the poetess Tatiana Artemieva, who gave birth to him three children, and Pugacheva was married to Eugene Boldin.

Alla Pugacheva and Vladimir Kuzmin

Alla Pugacheva and Vladimir Kuzmin

Photo: Personal archive

The artist called Kuzmina to his team "Recital" - Vladimir did not refuse a flattering proposal, because, being a rocker, was constantly subjected to censorship. Now he has defended, and the repertoire of Primateonna became more rock and rolling, and this period in the career of singer is called "youth". After the touching duet came out with the song "Two Stars", the whole country spoke that Pugacheva had a new novel. However, in 1987, relations, by rumors, began to go to no, remaining only in the work framework.

Woman's happiness

Wedding Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkina

Wedding Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkina

Lilia Charlovskaya

Since December 2011, Alla Pugacheva is married to Maxim Galkin. Alla's herself in an interview said that this marriage would most likely become the last for her. Also, the singer admitted that Galkin was the first person who led her to his house, and not the opposite. According to Primateonna, thanks to Maxim, she feels younger herself, and the birth of children filled her life with a new meaning. Now she is truly happy.

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