Lyubov Uspenskaya: "In the new video I did not play a role, and worried about it"


According to the story of the heroine of love of the Uspenskaya - the writer, who recalls the history of the love of his parents. According to the director of the video of Alexey Golubev, who heard the poet of the poet Mikhail Gutserieva, he had pictures of the video, and the music of the composer Igor Azarov helped reveal the mood and atmosphere of history.

He is a marine officer, a lieutenant captain, she is a simple girl. They met and love each other. At the debt of the service, the officer goes to the sea, and his beloved, with the baby under his heart, it remains to wait for him on the shore. The sea begins the storm, and the ship, having received the hole, goes under the water. The girl gets a funeral, but hopes for a miracle. She has already become a mom of that very girl who will grow and turn into a famous writer. And both hoped that their husband and father will definitely return.

The clip was filmed as a real movie. Worked in the spring, summer and even in winter. To show the storm, the water was bought from the sea and raised up 50 meters, splashing with a special branded. As a result, the entire film crew in 30 seconds was wet up to the thread and immediately began to freeze. No less difficult turned out the scene of the flooding of a ship, which received a hole, and the officer with sailors are trying to close it. According to the director, the story turned out to be tragic, but with a happy ending.

According to the plot of the video, the singer plays a writer who recalls the story of dating and love of his parents. Interestingly, an episodic role in the new video played lovers of the artist Yorkshire terrier Frankie. .

According to the plot of the video, the singer plays a writer who recalls the story of dating and love of his parents. Interestingly, an episodic role in the new video played lovers of the artist Yorkshire terrier Frankie. .

Lovely impressions of work remained and love of Assumption, who perceived this narration as his own.

- Lyubov Zalmanovna, you did not shoot clips for more than a year. Last year - a joint video with Dubzova, which can be called a gift for your anniversary. And what is the banner for you for you "bitter taste"?

- To be honest, I do not really like to shoot. That's not mine. But with the director Alexei Golubev, it is somehow easily all goes, I wonder. To my joy, I did not need to dress up in the evening dresses, which I can't stand, because they go more often than in ordinary comfortable clothes. And I played a writer who wears comfortable sweaters. And it is so comfortable for me that I never would have come out of this image. (Laughs.)

- Your heroine writer remembers the tragic history of his parents. During the period of operation, you did not want to extract my album with photos?

- Honestly, my story is slightly similar to the one we shot. My dad was repressed, sitting in prison. I was not even born then. My mother met dad when he worked as a nurse in camps. Dad was sick and lying in the hospital. Mom went out. And then they decided to get married and arrived at my grandmother in Kiev. To the great regret, mom died at childbirth. So I also have a tragic story. And the video, which we removed, I am very close. I did not play a role, and worried about it.

Parents of the future writer played a famous actor Vyacheslav Razzhegayev and young, but already declared themselves, the artist Willma Kutavichut. .

Parents of the future writer played a famous actor Vyacheslav Razzhegayev and young, but already declared themselves, the artist Willma Kutavichut. .

- It is said that Mikhail Gutserieva verses are a ready-made script for the clip. In the case of the "bitter taste of elder", it was the same?

- To be honest, I do not know how to create some story. I can sing a song, but I can not write it. And I think, I never would have happened. Therefore, I gave myself to the hands of Alexey Golubev. And he knew what would be done with me. (Laughs). I worked with him over a clip with Ira Dubzova. There was a scene: I learned that my husband changes me with a young and beautiful singer from the cabaret. And in the plot we had a wonderful family, love, money - everything you need for happiness. We remove a dumb scene: I have a dinner with my husband and I look at him silently, and he understands that I know everything. And Alexey explained everything so much and told me that I had tears. I swear, I did not try to play some tragedy, but it was so plausible everything that I was crying myself, and everything around was silent. It was so great. I remember, I thought: "Maybe I am some kind of serious dramatic actress, which did not open." (Laughs.)

- When did you play a writer, you did not want to write a book yourself?

- I have no such desire. But I dream that my daughter Tatyana wrote books, she gets great. And I, except letters, my grandparents, did not write anything. Maybe Tatiana will take up my biography. I could not confess someone else's person, but my daughter is yes.

- What stage in life would you devote in your book most of the place?

"I think, in the biography will be fairly distributed each stage, because there is something to describe an interesting, dramatic, and sometimes cheerful.

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