Rules of perfect tanning


We will not open America, if we say that the skin for the summer should be prepared in winter. And even better to take care of it all year round, protecting against adverse factors - frosts, temperature drops, dryness of air. If in winter and in the spring you went to the pool, then your skin is likely to tend

To dryness and irritation, looks dim and, probably peels. However, the chlorks are abound and in conventional tap water, and this picture may appear in each of us.

"To reduce the influence of external negative factors, it is necessary

Regularly moisturize, nourish and protect the skin at home, - Marina Pirogova, Masseur Rehabilitol, Aestreya's aesthetics specialist. - First of all, you should not forget that the condition of the skin is a reflection of the inner state of the body, and far from the last role is played here. Beauty care is best to start with the revision of the menu: in front of the sun season, ensure yourself intensive vitamin feed and antioxidant protection, eat more apples, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, green salad - they are rich in vitamins A, E and C, which block free radicals. Add a small amount of dry-fruits and nuts containing fatty polyunsaturated acids that impede premature aging, improve the elasticity and moisturgenicity of the skin. Do not forget about dairy products, fresh fish and bird is a source of essential amino acids necessary to build connective tissue. In addition to food rich in the useful substances, vitamin and mineral complexes will help to prepare for the summer. Since the vitamins in capsules are well balanced, they will help reduce the harm that the skin of the sun's rays. But a specialist should pick up suitable vitamins.

If you are aimed at a beautiful tan, enrich your nutrition with natural beta-carotene, which can be found in carrots, melons, peaches, apricots, as well as in spinach, latch. Be sure to drink a lot of clean non-carbonated water during the day - thus the body will faster to remove toxins, and the skin will get moisturizing from the inside.

In order for the skin better to hold moisture, you can take special baths, for example, Atopises Moisturizing Bath from Sesderma with dairy proteins, wheat grain and sunflower oils, a licorice extract and bisabolol. This is a two-step means consisting of oil and powder, which are consistently added to warm water before taking the bath. And it can create real wonders! Already after the first reception of the bath, the skin reactivity decreases, irritation is irritated, the hydro-lipid skin balance is restored. After the bath, it is not even necessary to apply any additional moisturizing funds, it is enough easy to get skin. For intensive therapy of dry and dehydrated skin, the baths take each day until the optimal result is achieved, and then go to the supporting mode - once a week.

Add a positive effect from the procedure will help the body for the body of Atopises Body Milk from Sesderma. It intensively moisturizes dry, reactive skin, soothes, protects, relieves irritation and peeling, has an antibacterial effect.

As a salon care, the ideal solution will be the program of deep moistening and saturation of the skin with vitamins and minerals "velvet skin" from Keenwell. The procedure from the salt scrub of Essential Salt Scrub with essential almond essential oils, eucalyptus, lemon, mayoran and rosemary begins. Scrub is rich in oligolements, vitamins and minerals, has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.

Next, velvet wrapping Velvety Wrap with honey, dairy proteins and a restoring complex of enzymes are performed. Wrapping deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, makes it tender and smooth, creates the effect of porcelain leather, rejuvenates and softens. The procedure ends with a slight relaxing massage. Wrapping is particularly recommended before long-term solar exposure, including those who visit solarium. "

Smooth tone

One of the basic rules of the beautiful sunburn says: the smoother skin you substitute by the sunshine, the more evenly they are submissive. Therefore, regular peelings for the body should be an important part of the preparatory care. Depending on the type of skin, they are carried out once a week (with normal skin), twice a week (with oily skin) and once every ten days (with dry and sensitive skin). For these purposes, you can use a refreshing lemon mousse for the body of Thalasso Mousse Gommage Corporal from Keenwell. The scrub delicately cleans, exfoliates and grinds the skin, has a revolutionary and softening effect, lines the skin texture, launches regeneration processes. During the peeling, special attention is paid to the skin on your knees and elbows - here it is especially coarse and during the tanning may differ in the color from the rest of the skin.

After the exfoliation, it is necessary to carefully moisten the skin, only as it will save its natural protective properties. It is best to use for these purposes the anti-agolator "Skin Angel" Thalasso Body Piel de Angel from Keenwell. Thanks to the content of argan oil, the cream prevents premature aging, protects the skin from adverse environmental factors, intensively moisturizes, nourishes and softens.

To align the tone of the skin and preparation for the tanning, it is recommended to periodically visit the bath or sauna, without forgetting to bring a suitable scrub, as well as washcloths, hubs or massage mittens. The bath will not only help get rid of dead cells, but also will strengthen the blood supply to the skin, give it elasticity and will help to remove toxins.

What we have - save

So, the skin is prepared, now the main task is reduced to exactly and safely heat up, and then save the dark shade as long as possible. If you are a supporter of intense tan, be sure to use the dry oil of Aceite Solar Seco from Keenwell containing carrot oil, beta-carotene, vitamin E, canola oil and rice bran. This moisture-proof remedy that does not flip even after swimming in seawater, helps to purchase an amazing bronze tint, perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and protects the skin.

Also, a good service will serve the fluid - the Agua SOLAR SUPER-BRONCADORA SPF 2 tanning activator from Keenwell, which moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, has a slight sunscreen effect

and strengthens the tan by 50%. After sunbathing, it is necessary soothing and softening agent, for example, moisturizing Emulsion-balm Hydrating Balm emulsion from Keenwell. It helps to manifest themselves to the tan, gives the skin the feeling of comfort, prevents photoboring and peeling.

For deep hydration, nutrition and skin protection after the Sun, the Moisturizing Emulsion Textura Re-Hydrating Body Emulsion from Keenwell is ideal. Natural oils of sweet almonds

And the carite, which is included in its composition, restore damaged skin and support the optimal water balance for 24 hours, and aloe vera and cucumber extracts are softened, tone and calmed the skin. With regular use of the emulsion, the tan acquired during vacation will remain as long as possible.

Rehabilitation of skin

"If (despite all the measures taken), your skin suffered from excessive exposure to ultraviolet, to quickly calm it will help drugs based on aloe vera, which have pronounced healing and cooling properties, continues Marina Pirogov. - Hidraloe Gel from Sesderma has anti-loving and anesthetic effect, moisturizes and soothes the skin, restores it after the aggressive effect of ultraviolet.

For active humidification of dry and dehydrated skin, they will need a means based on hyaluronic acid, which helps the cells to retain moisture. An example is the Hidraderm Hyal Body Milk (multi-level moisturizing technology). Milk contains three types of hyaluronic acid, which is encapsulated in liposome nanoscamera

With a large penetrating ability, due to which the delivery of hyaluronic acid molecules on the desired level of skin, ensuring maximum hydration. The tool provides both instant and prolonged action, heals and smoothes the skin, stimulates the work of fibroblasts, struggling with free radicals.

Another typical post-tab problem is hyperkeratosis (excessive thickening of the top layer of the epidermis).

At home, scrubs will help with this, but they cannot be applied immediately after insolation! Before you depart the skin, make sure that at least a week has passed since the adoption of sunbathing and you do not have burns, redness or irritation.

To efficiently get rid of hyperkeratosis Professional cabin care will offer mud wrapping with enzyme peeling MUD from Le Mont Saint Michel & Enzymatic peeling from Keenwell. Mud powder from San Michel Mountain is designed to care for coarse, uneven, peeling skin. It has a high biological activity and a pronounced therapeutic effect, which is superior to traditional dirt on the efficiency. Wrapping has an anti-inflammatory effect, deeply cleanses the skin, saturates with minerals and oligoelements, optimizes the metabolism.

The age leather reacts more negatively to ultraviolet and heat, quickly loses the tour, wrinkles appear on it, especially when it comes to the area of ​​the neckline, about the stomach, hands. To run accelerated cell regeneration, tighten and moisturize problem areas, use the body milk containing the secret of snails, Snailas Body Milk from Lipoceutical. It has proven itself in chron and photoregation. Milk has a photo prosthetic action

and helps to remove the negative effects of ultraviolet irradiation. Often, after staying in the sun, the barrier function of the skin is broken, it becomes susceptible to the slightest stimuli, cracks, irritation and peeling appear on it, as well as hyperpigmentation. In this case, Milk for Body with Uremol Whitening Body Milk from Lipoceutical will come to the rescue. Milk activates the cellular update, normalizes the state of the epidermis, removes itching and redness, has an antioxidant effect. So, you can make friends with the sun and minimize its negative impact, if you take more carefully to the daily choice of cosmetic and protective agents. "

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