Sandra Bullock meets with a hooligan and drug addict


While Roman Sandra Bullock and Brian Randall is gaining momentum, meticulous reporters continue to dig in the past of the new lover movie star. And it turns out that Brian is not so mil at all, as it seems: a few years ago, the charming boyfriend actresses had problems with alcohol, drugs and the police.

As you know, Randalla has an adult 21-year-old daughter Skylar. They said that Sandra partly attracted in Brian's fact that he is a good father. However, now it became known that when Skylar was a completely child, Brian almost did not see her daughter. And he was even judged for non-payment of alimony. At the same time, he knew perfectly well that his former girlfriend, the mother of the girl Jenin Steiten, was a heroic drug addict. But the Randall himself was fond of various forbidden drugs. He once suggested that Skylar was conceived at that moment when he was under LSD.

Jennin died in 2007. After that, Skylare moved to his father, their relationship was slowly improved, and now they are very close to each other. Brian has a sober way of life for more than ten years, deciding to tie with drugs for his daughter to the death of Jennin.

However, these are not all skeletons in the Randall closet. They say, in his youth he was very violent young men and even wore a nickname of a gangster. Repeatedly attracted by driving in a state of alcoholic intoxication and without right, and once even served in prison for four days. And in 1990, being under the influence of alcohol and drugs, defeated the hotel room, dropping onto the floor to the floor, breaking the curtains and turning all the furniture.

Against this message, Brian's neighbor's message about his hooligan leavings seems an innocent joke. Recall, a couple of days ago, who lives next to Randall, John Staiser told: "Somehow I walked with a dog, and Brian Randall began to shout at me that my dog ​​had a need across his house. He insulted me and demanded that I immediately remove feces. I was frightened, as he was tall above me, and called his dog, which began to growl on him. We managed to drive it to the house. After that, I went to myself to take cellophane packages and remove excrement. But I heard how my girlfriend swears on Brian. It turned out that he began to throw a dog poop in the direction of our house and threaten us further violence. Knowing that the Randalla has a weapon at home, and the fact that he is distinguished by an aggressive temper, I was forced to call the police, "Staiser wrote in a statement. After that, the neighbor of the new beloved Bullock asked the order of the order officially forbid Randalla to join any contact with him.

Representatives of Brian Randall and Sandra Bullock from comments refrain. Therefore, as applies to the actress to the dark past of his beloved, it is not known.

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