Terms of use of clay


Natural clay is a natural source of trace elements that have a positive effect on skin health and hair. The most useful is the marine clay, mined from the depth of more than 30 meters, since it has the highest concentration of minerals. If you still have not tried to apply this cosmetic, listen to our useful tips.

Buy crude clay

Usually, after digging from the sea or river bottom, the clay is dried to reduce it and simplify transportation. However, along with a drying of clay, water containing minerals is drawn. In addition, the quality of raw material is easier to evaluate than powder - clay should be dense, stretched, non-uniformly painted and shiny. Yes, such a material is more expensive, but it will be enough for a long time and the effect of procedures will be noticeable.

Clay cleans and softens the skin

Clay cleans and softens the skin

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Add oils and vitamins

It is difficult to flush clay with leather and hair, because it is dense and fat. Despite this, adding a few drops of oil will simplify its flushing. We advise you to add coconut, olive or castor oil - they nourish the skin well, forming a thin air-permeable protective film on its surface. You can also add a few ampoules of fat-soluble vitamins A and E.

Do not let the clay dry

Clay attracts water molecules from outside when it starts to dry. During the application of the clay mask, keep the bottle with thermal water - it is finely spraying water saturated with minerals, which slow down the evaporation of moisture. Do not listen to those who offer just leave a face mask for 15-20 minutes. With regular repetition of such procedures, you will achieve the opposite of the expected effect.

Apply on the steaming skin

It is best to use clay by applying it to the heated skin so that the clay can absorb dirt from the opened pores. We offer to make masks during the soul and apply clay on the skin of the body before visiting the sauna. After applying clay necessarily moisten the skin with oil or body cream.

Moisturize the face after the mask

Moisturize the face after the mask

Photo: Pixabay.com.

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