Margarita Sulankina: "I tried starvation, but I do not advise anyone"


The other day, Margarita Sukhankina celebrated its 55th anniversary. Tours, studio work, shooting, homemade troubles - all this in the daily chart of the singer, but the enviable form of Margarita gives a reason for conversations about some secret.

My lifestyle is chaotic And "proper nutrition" is adjusted for it. I have long refused fat, but, for example, I love sweets very much and periodically, it's without a revelation of conscience, but I try to limit the flour. The number of salted food in the diet is also tracking, but I can not say that it is right and "purely" I eat, I just try to keep the balance.

The thought of losing weight sits in my head very firmly. I tried the Kremlin diet, and a diet on the blood group, the system of food from our well-known nutritionists - the list can be continued for a long time. The most efficient and even useful for the body by weight control can, perhaps, to call compliance with the drinking mode. But I all forget to drink this ill-fated water during the day. (Laughs.) If you have "mode", then an excellent result and ease will be provided, but if you forget, the system is knocked very quickly, unfortunately. I also tried starvation, but I do not advise anyone: the result is not kept, and the weight is gaining more than.

In 2013, Margarita became a foster mom for a three-year-old Valeria and four-year-old Sergey. The singer does everything to ensure that the children get excellent education

In 2013, Margarita became a foster mom for a three-year-old Valeria and four-year-old Sergey. The singer does everything to ensure that the children get excellent education

Photo: Personal archive

I like swimming in the pool , I love hiking, I try to be in motion as much as possible. If I watch the TV, then I go to the floor and pulling hands, legs, back. But I do not have a system - I am engaged in case of case. All this happens at home or in the hotel, if we are talking about tour.

Many years ago, when a chemical curling appeared, I wanted the "effect of the ram" . And so I want to get curls, but not knowing how it all happens, came to the salon. The salon was crowded, and the master wanted to serve as much customers as possible to earn. And she just forgot about me with these curlers ... I was alerted when women sitting nearby said: "Girl, you will remind yourself, hairdresser, apparently forgot about you." I was then a very young girl. Robbo called the Master, and Her Already disturbed. In general, these bills she took me together with her hair. On my head I was left the hedgehog - everything was burned. It was a solid nightmare. Of course, the hair is not a teeth, but I remember this story for life and masters since then I choose very picky. Artists are difficult to maintain hair in good condition: paint, varnishes, mousses spoil hair, styling constant. In this regard, many colleagues wear wigs. I also tried, but I realized that I just can't wear this hat even a short period of time! I have to constantly cut the ends so that the hair looked beautiful and well-groomed, so the maximum hair length is for me now. Blond requires special care, it is no secret that this is the most arrogant color.

Margarita is trying to follow its nutrition, but hard prohibitions do not adhere to. And for holidays pampers yourself sweet

Margarita is trying to follow its nutrition, but hard prohibitions do not adhere to. And for holidays pampers yourself sweet

Photo: Personal archive

Like many public people, especially women, I use the benefits of cosmetology , including injecting. I treat it perfectly to this, it is modern: everyone wants to be beautiful and forever young. But it is very important that there is no bustling. Often there are very comic characters - it is ugly. I believe that any cosmetic procedures should not be visible. They should improve appearance, and not to urge her.

Lifehak for the skin of the face I have very simple - get enough sleep! It is wonderful when there is a mode, you get enough sleep, wake up cheeky and with a fresh face. Good, strong sleep, if you are not 18 years old, just needed. No special means needed. All these creams, lotions, serums do not remove wrinkles as healthy sleep, good mood, correct food and walking in the fresh air.

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