How to read books correctly


In 2015-16, American scientists conducted a study among 9.9 million schoolchildren, based on the results of which made an important conclusion: those children who read 15 minutes a day and more throughout the year have shown excellent performance. Surely each of you will find at least a quarter of an hour a day on the book, so why have you not yet introduced this useful habit? We share advice to the right approach to reading with you.

Choose the book yourself

On the Internet there are many lists with loud names like "Best 2019 Books", but who said you can not move away from the system? Not everyone likes to read the recommended experts to the classics, so it makes no sense to abandon those popular science or fantastic books that you sincerely love. Come to the store and select the publication to your taste - read the name, description of the book, scroll it. Usually, books purchased by intuitive desire leave the most pleasant impressions.

Read what you love

Read what you love


Select quotes

The times have long passed when the book was the subject of luxury. Now editions can be bought for funny money, so do not be afraid to spoil the paper - a person who reads her after you, it will be interesting to pay attention to other people's notes. Feel free to write reasoning on the fields - this is a favorite reception of the writers of the past, to which a bright thought could suddenly come up during reading. From each work you can take something useful: interesting quotes, clinging the turns of the plot, the names of the main characters, unfamiliar words and much more. So the book acquires the soul and becomes a collection of your thoughts that can be interesting to others.

Do not be distructed

If reading causes you a despondency, set the rule: read 50 pages and throw a book if she is not interested. There is always a person who can give a publication or to give in exchange for another work. Do not waste your time in vain - books so much that I will definitely find at least one interesting for you. Otherwise, try not to be distracted while reading for outsiders. Take the book on the road or sit with her in the evening in a comfortable chair, then nothing will distract you from this classes.

Resting reading

Resting reading


Make Mind Maps.

The thought card, or Mind Map, is an interesting idea to turn a book into a summary that came to us from abroad. Its essence is that you write in the center name of the book and spend arrows from it in different directions. Under arrows, write out ideas taken from text or seasoned while reading. These ideas can be connected to arrows among themselves, forming into groups. Americans use this way to better memorize information and apply it in practice to create something new on the basis of knowledge gained. It is especially important to make mental maps after reading business literature, which is a storehouse of ideas for a beginner.

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