Paul Zainanova: "Sport for me is a family business"


Sporting commentator Pavel Zanoran knows about sports almost everything. And he himself will be happy to try himself in various kinds. Even in the rarest. Listened to the story of Paul about his lifestyle and recorded several useful tips.

I failed to become a professional athlete. Although, of course, in childhood I really wanted to get into the big football. But the love of sport quickly combined with love for television, where I got at nine years. From this symbiosis there was a dream to become a sports commentator who was realized with the victory in the competition in 2007. Therefore, all my sports achievements were limited to victories in school and camp competitions on the running short distances.

I was always interested to try something new. For the first time I learned about Squash for the first time at the indicative tournament for journalists two years ago. It turned out that this sport very accurately corresponds to my character: there all the time you need to be in motion. This is the most energy-consuming gaming sport - in the hour of the game you exhaust themselves according to the full program. Buttocks work the most, because almost all shots are performed in the critic. But generally strains the whole body. At least once a week with friends and colleagues, I play football. With a basketball ball, in contact with the portion, but if possible, I also play with pleasure. My favorite winter sport is Kerling. His summer analog is Petank - also perfectly suitable for a friendly company. When I say that I am fond of these games, few understand what we are talking about. But it is worth trying - and people become cerling fans and petank.

Kira, daughter Paul and Vlad, a little over a year, but parents are already thinking about the sports section for babes

Kira, daughter Paul and Vlad, a little over a year, but parents are already thinking about the sports section for babes

For sports, I always have to consult with whom. Basketball tips I give me a good friend Svetlana Abrosimova, the ex-captain of the Russian national team. Tennis Questions can always ask Anna Chakvetadze. In golf I taught me to play our main star in this sport Maria Verchonov. Finally, colleagues help to raise the football level: Alexander Kerzhakov, Dmitry Bulykin, Evgeny Savin. Squash-Tusovka in Russia is not very long, there everyone knows each other. Therefore, I try to take lessons as much as possible from the country's best squashists.

Sport for me is a family business. With my wife, we began to study tennis together. Now I hope to take her and squash. My daughter Kire is still a little more year, but it already shows sports inclinations. I think that we will very soon choose a section for her.

Vlad, spouse Paul, gladly supports the sports lifestyle of the TV host. Together they began to do tennis. And now Paul is trying to captivate his wife by squash

Vlad, spouse Paul, gladly supports the sports lifestyle of the TV host. Together they began to do tennis. And now Paul is trying to captivate his wife by squash

The body's constitution and an active lifestyle allow me to eat and drink everything that your soul. For example, I can not live without meat, good cheese and sweets. In addition, absolutely all of me with bread. Even pasta. I love to cook my own corporate omelet with tomatoes in the morning for the whole family. I can cook spaghetti with seafood or fry meat. But more often for cooking in our family, Vlad's wife is responsible. The best dinner option: steak with roasted potatoes and a glass of wine. It seems to me that the main thing is to receive pleasure from eating. And do not overeat, of course. A good figure usually possesses people who get up from the table with a feeling of easy hunger.

I do not go to the fitness club. I am not very interested in working with iron. Squash training or hike to the pool is much more pleasant for me. In any case, you need to remember that the sport should be pleasure. To do through pain - far from the most pleasant story. I love to prescript and pull up. Standing a couple of minutes in the bar is also always nice.

Any professional sport is harmful. This is hard work. You will not find any athlete who does not have anything. For their glory, money and victories hid the hardest work. And not every person is able to withstand the load of professional sports. But amateur sports and sports games are a completely different matter. But it should be reasonable to these classes. Everything is good in moderation.

Paul Zainanova:

"I love to press and pull up. Standing a couple of minutes in the bar is also always nice. "

Workout with Pavel Zanosic

Any sport requires a good workout to avoid injury. Here is one of its options.

Running exercises

They must be done at a distance of 15-20 meters. Order of exercises:

- Running "knees to the chest" (try pressing knees to the chest) - one minute;

- Running with swelling of the tibia (touch the heels of the back) - one minute;

- Cross run (you run sideways, and legs alternately cross, the case should be rotated in the opposite direction from the leading legs at every step) - one minute;

- jogging with the coupling of the case in different directions in the process - two minutes;

- Mahi hip (bend the leg in the knee and make semicircular movements of the thigh) - two minutes;

- Running with jumping (jump up, with a grill and knee tightening to the chest) - three minutes.

Workout Justov

Make rotational circular movements into one, then to the other side. Start from the head, go to the shoulders, hands, housing, basin, knees, ankle.


Start with tilt forwards. Little knees, and palms need to strive to touch the land. If you do everything right, you will definitely feel how the muscles on the back of the thigh and the calf muscles are tightened. After that, put your feet as wide as possible and bend one in the knee. To pull the front of the thigh, bend the leg, take the back for the ankle and pull the leg to the fifth point.

Paul Zainanova:


Home protein cocktail

This athlete constantly needs protein. Without protein, the growth of the muscles is impossible. Now you can buy any protein cocktails, but you can prepare themselves.

To do this, you will need: three hundred grams of cottage cheese, three hundred milliliters of soy milk, two tablespoons of cocoa, ten walnuts and coconut chips on a knife tip.

To prepare a cocktail, simply add all the ingredients into the blender and thoroughly mix it to a homogeneous mass. Approximate content of nutrients in this cocktail: 65 grams of protein, 35 grams of fats and 21 grams of carbohydrates.

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