Ice cream: all about your favorite dessert


By the way, it is really ancient mention of the cold dessert on the basis of milk, because in ancient China, antique Greece, Persia or the Roman Empire, ice cream has more resembled sorbet, and fruits, berries and snow with ice were used for cooking. If you deepen in reading historical foliants, it turns out that the word "ice cream" appears in them most often as an adjective used in relation to any cooled products. Even wines. In general, the ancient Romans known to their love of the ancient Romans were allocated. They called the sweetened with honey dessert from snow and fruit juice NivaTae Potiones - "Snow mixture".

Palace coup

It is engaged that the recipe for ice cream in a modern understanding was not invented not a chef, and the architect and artist Bernardo Buontalenti, who lived in the XVI century in Florence. He was a man extremely active: the bridges designed, built villas, improved the guns, founded artistic and engineering schools on the Renaissance homeland, and at the same time he invented the dessert on the basis of milk, cream and eggs, now known to everyone called "Oil". In the highest circles, an unusual delicacy was typked in 1533, when the bride of the future king of France Heinrich II was arrived in Marseille from Florence to Fourteen Catherine. According to court chronicles, the newlyweds were not good and spoke with a strong accent, but in her retinue were the best Italian cooks who prepared ice cream for the royal wedding party. Representatives of the nobility and clergy present at the celebration were appreciated, no wonder since the end of the XVI century, the mention of it begin to regularly meet in the descriptions of the lush meals of the strong world of this. In 1671, an exquisite dessert will submit to the English king Karl II for lunch. That in the 1688th they will sweep the guests on the Gala dinner in Stockholm. Well, the French monarchs to ice cream were addicted to the same strongly that even the custom of inviting Italian confectioners to Paris. One of them was the native of the Sicilian city of Palermo Francesco Prokio dei Coltonian, who served at the court "King-Sun" of Louis XIV. Francesco became the character in France legendary. In 1686, he opened the first cafe "Prokop" in Paris, where in addition to coffee or hot chocolate, visitors were offered to taste and exotic ice cream.

It is interesting that the ice cream recipe in modern understanding was not invented not a chef, and the architect and artist Bernardo Buontalenti

It is interesting that the ice cream recipe in modern understanding was not invented not a chef, and the architect and artist Bernardo Buontalenti


Well, thirty years later, the Epoch of Enlightenment began in Europe, and the cafe became the center of the cultural life of all major cities. There were collected philosophers, politicians, writers and, you need to say, many of them were big fans of ice cream. No wonder Didier and d'Alber even included a detailed description of the preparation of sweetness in the first "encyclopedia, or the explanatory dictionary of sciences, arts and crafts in 1751." And, by the way, this is not the oldest of the published ice cream recipes that have reached us! Here the French were ahead of their eternal rivals of the British. In 1718, Missis Mary Ilz recipes were released in London, containing a detailed story about how to prepare ice cream at home.

Went to the world

In the XVIII century, fashion for ice cream got to Russia. This can be judged by the "newest and complete cookbook", published in 1791. The recipe, published in it, prescribed to use cream and egg proteins as the main ingredients, and to give taste chocolate, lemon, berries and orange slices. By the way, the presence in the list of proteins indicates that Russian cooks learned the art of cooking ice cream from the French. It was in the XVIII century that began to massively add egg protein to the dessert to give the product of a pleasant creamy consistency. Italians brought ice cream to the new light. In 1777, Filippo Lenzi arrived in America, who opened the first cafe in the United States, specializing in cold desserts from cream, milk and fruit. Well, another native of the Apennine Peninsula ITALO MARKIONI, ITALY MARKIONI, has come to feed the sweetness in the wafer horror. In 1896, he began to trade them on the streets of New York, and six years later even patented his gastronomic invention.

Jelato is always sold in plastic cups or in wafer horns, where Jelaterian workers can easily put three balls at a time.

Jelato is always sold in plastic cups or in wafer horns, where Jelaterian workers can easily put three balls at a time.


Map of tastes

Italy. Jelato

Italian Jelato from the ice cream other countries is quite low content of dairy fats. However, today there are popular vegan versions of dessert based on soy or almond milk. Jelato is always sold in plastic cups or in wafer horns, where Jelaterian workers can easily put three balls at a time. Classic views: Fior Di Latte - based on cream, chocolate Cioccolato, Stracciatella with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

Turkey. Dondurma

In Turkey, street traders dondurma, in order to attract the attention of buyers, wound the ice cream on a stick, and then, like circuschi, begin to rotate them in the eyes of the amazed public. Call the focus from them due to the fact that for the preparation of donadurma, in addition to milk and sugar, use the mastic and thickener Salep. By the way, precisely because of this, Turkish ice cream is very slowly melting.

Fruit ice on a stick in the form of a column - the most famous ice cream Argentina

Fruit ice on a stick in the form of a column - the most famous ice cream Argentina


France. Parf and cream-shine

Although the ordinary consumer is unlikely to distinguish the classic French ice cream from Italian, during the production of cream-shross used more protein. The classic genre in France is a vanilla ice cream and a parfaite - dessert of frozen whipped egg squirrel with melted chocolate or cream whipped with sugar and vanilla. Provence is a popular ice cream from lavender flowers.

Latin America. Polo, or Palet

Fruit ice on a stick in the form of a column - the most famous ice cream Argentina, Venezuela and Uruguay. Unfortunately, now for its preparation, natural juices are extremely rarely used. Manufacturers simply add dyes and sweeteners to water. But it is worth such ice cream inexpensively than and its popularity is explained.

Sunday in American films saw all

Sunday in American films saw all


USA. Sunday

The name of the most popular in the US, the look of ice cream is translated without clauses - Sunday. Sunday in American films saw everything. Remember the tall transparent glass with ice cream balls, which have caramel, chocolate or fruit syrup from the soul? By the way, dried along the banana with ice cream balls inside and whipped cream from above - just another type of Sunday. It is called banana split.

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