The head does not hurt: is it possible to satisfy in bed for two at the same time


You meet a person, you see that you love the same films and books, talk to the night. Night on the phone, walk in the park - and now things are transported in his apartment. But it comes to bed, and your desires disagree - one of you is ready to have sex several times a day, just once a month. What to do in such a situation?

Talk to the partner

Feel free to discuss your sexual temperatures. It is important to understand that this is normal and does not mean that one of you becomes asexual or unattractive. Openly talking to your loved one, you can find a solution to the problem. One options that will save your sex life can be a time management. Try to schedule your erotic dates. Does it sound absurd? Only at first glance.

Look for new ways to activate partner

Look for new ways to activate partner


Learn each other

Listen, watch, be more attentive to each other during sex. Maybe you will find erogenous zones, about which neither you nor your partner suspected. Also try changing the situation. Maybe a week in a rustic house in the picturesque wilderness or a couple of nights in the original hotel will make you forget about differences.

Remove tension

The reluctance of one partner to have sex throughout the long time can be caused by stress. A large workload at work, care for the household, children, in the end - everything takes energy and reduces libido. In such a case, the second partner should take part of home duties. A couple of hours in a hot tub on the weekend and a romantic dinner will help to relax your half and get a passion.

Look for what you like both. Erotic films, magazines, books - anything

Look for what you like both. Erotic films, magazines, books - anything


Find points of contact

Look for something that both. Erotic films, magazines, books - anything. It is possible that the search will be long and difficult, but when you find your sex life will be transformed. Try to find a compromise by the number of sex in your pair. Arrange how many times a month there will be sex. The main thing is that it suits both partners.

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