Robert Downey Jr.: "Being a Father is a terrific experience at any age."


It is called the Phoenix bird, but Roberta Downey himself, this definition is not very good. He began to shoot another child in Father's paintings - Robert jokes that it was a way to save on the nurse. At six years I tried herbs, and at eight already became addicted. To thirty-five, he had a nomination for Oscar, a prison term and a "wolf ticket" in Hollywood. However, Dauni managed not just return to the clip, but to do it triumphantly. Today, he has the status of one of the highest paid actors of the world and one of the most cute dads in the world.

- in July came out "Spiderman. Return home, "where we saw you again as an iron man. How did you work with Tom Holland? Is it true that you were one of those who claimed him to the role?

- Sure! In general, everything keeps on me! Marvel, Studio? Do not make me laugh! Without me, they would not have done.

- The cult American superhero in the new screening is played by a British actor. Do you treat it normal?

- (Courtes funny face, goes away, barely marked heads.) Tom stunning! Then the case is in personality, and not in the passport.

- Do you think when Tony Stark is time for peace?

- Oh, I constantly ask myself this question. I sometimes feel an athlete that has achieved everything. And I'm talking to myself: Dude, it's time to get out of a sports suit, while you did not fit and did not look just ridiculous. On the other hand, Stark is changing, develops, so while he is interested in public. When we started it all, I wouldn't mind that I would play in the film in the superhero comic at the age of fifty, and looked! On the other hand, why Schwarzenegger is almost seventy you can be a terminator, and I do not have an iron person?

- Pictures about the Iron Man, "Avengers", now "Spiderman" - the story about Tony Stark is already pulling on the series. You, by the way, do you feel about them?

- Oh-oh-oh, this is a new art language. The last season of the "card house" is just brilliant! And how do you "people against O. Jay. Simpson "? Mr. Robot is generally the best that happened to television over the past five years. Rami Malek (playing a major role in the series) - the best actor of his generation, we all need to learn from him.

In his youth, Downey Jr. was a very promising actor, but he was addicted to drugs and received a prison sentence

In his youth, Downey Jr. was a very promising actor, but he was addicted to drugs and received a prison sentence

Frame from the movie "Back to School"

- Is there any other superhero whom you would like to play?

"If I could wake up tomorrow Chris Hemsvor Tom (Thor in the Marvel Universe), it would be cool." If only because he did not need to get up on the drawer from under the apples to kiss Gwyneth Paltrow.

- At first, for many comic fans, the choice of you on the role of the Iron man did not seem obvious. And what attracted this character?

- This is genre cinema, and many things that Stark makes up, are close and understood by the seven-year, and not an adult person. But for me, an iron man is not just a way to earn. Believe me, I love good fees. But Stark is a special hero. He is inventor, Creator. And this is what makes him close and clear and men, women, and adults, and children. There is such a phrase, under each word I will subscribe: "There is nothing more serious in life than the child behind the game." If I were asked what the most important pleasure of my life, I would say, "to engage in a meaningless garbage, selflessly mess around something, it would seem unimportant." It is the power of Stark, his superconduble, and what often pulls me on the surface.

- What do you look like him?

- A sense of humor - I myself write a part of my replicas and dialogues. In general, in our family, since childhood, it was accepted not to treat it too seriously. Good jokes have always been valued, so this skill I have been brought to almost perfection. Another thing, since the years I understood: the fact that you cause a smile from people does not mean that you like you.

Iron Man made Downey popular and among the seeds and among children

Iron Man made Downey popular and among the seeds and among children

- One of the reasons for your success is the ability to throw something unexpected in the scene when nothing foreshadows. Is it a well-thought-out acting equipment or I reflect your?

- You know, forty doubles is boring. Wildly boring. And when the director screams again and again "Motor", I begin to entertain myself. Yes, it is not at all scenario, but it works, sometimes it is truly cool things.

- What kind of superser would you like to have?

- Oh no, this option is not for me, I would immediately abstrused with my superconductances.

- Tell those stunning story about the prosthesis for a fan boy.

- Oh, yes, it is insanely touching. A couple of years ago, my friend from Microsoft told me about the guy, Alex Pring, then was seven then. Alex was born without a hand, but he was a regular boy - learned to drive on a large prosthesis. In general, lives quite a normal life. Well, he is the fan of my hero. And here is one talented student Albert manner invented how to make an intelligent prosthesis for Alex in the form of an iron man's hand. Typically, such medical devices are huge money, but the manner has found a way to print the case on a 3D printer and equip the necessary stuffing so that the hand can be controlled. We met with Alex in Atlanta, where I was honored to pretend to him prosthesis and shake her hand of an iron man. This, of course, amazing. After all, such devices not only make the baby's life is much more convenient, they help feel more confident.

- Let's talk about your own children. You have three of them ...

- Yes, Indian twenty-four, Ecston five, and AVRI is almost three. I even have a photo with me. Show?

Robert Downey Jr.:

For the role in the "Soldiers of failure" the actor was nominated for Oscar

- Of course, I counted for it. I know you all go to the interview with photos and video of children. By the way, don't you want kid?

- Suzy said: Everything, no more children. I'm afraid there really is the last word behind her. My sons have a difference of eighteen years old, so, who knows, maybe in ten and fifteen years I can persuade a wife for a third child (the mother of the eldest son of Dauni - Actress Deborah Falconer. - Approx. Aut.). I hope, by the time the reproductive technologies will appear, which will allow us to make a conceived.

- When Exton appeared on the world, you threatened to throw a job and sit with him.

- I'm not refusing to my words! My wife and I work a lot, and her work is no less responsible than mine. So, and parental responsibilities we divide is honest. I really do not always work as cool as she. Somehow, I promised to put EXTON, as a result, we both assured only three hours in the morning.

- India was born when you were not yet thirty. Is there a difference in attitude to paternity then and now when you are already fifty-two years old?

- Being a father is a terrific experience at any age. But cool that I can concentrate more on my children. Now I or I work, or spend time with my family. There are no parties, no parties - only cubes and games in the horse.

- Sorry, which raise this topic. How is the case of Indio?

- (a year ago, the son of Dauni-ml. He was arrested for the use of cocaine and was treated in a rehabilitation clinic - approx. Auth.) Indio - the son of his father and his mother. And the child of the information century, they, you know, all have time to try us before. I admit that this is our family problem. But I also admire the courage of the Son, his persistence in the fight against addiction. I truly proud of the firstborn.

Robert Downey Jr.:

"The wife taught me to live in the real world. You have to be adult. In essence, Susan got a 11-year-old Torvan, for nothing that he was under forty "


- What is it - after two boys to be also a dad girl?

- Avri - the sweetest man on the planet Earth! She is just charm! You know, I'm not going to be a strict father who controls every step of his daughter. I just want (makes a very serious face) so that she was afraid of me and respected. Lord, of course, I will not go with her eyes! She is treasure and already wakes rope from me.

- You work with Susan together almost all your projects - it acts as a producer. You do not have any problems in order to perceive my wife as a boss?

- No. But I feel double responsibility. I just can't lend to my wife and I don't want a producer to remain no longer enough.

"Thanks to Susan, you completely changed the guarantee - she agreed to marry you only after you stopped drinking drugs and alcohol. Did you get rid of all bad habits?

- There was a period when I did not drink, did not smoke, did not eat meat. Fair? It's horrible. I became a boring, miserable, uninteresting man. Coffee and cigarettes are what we've "were still" with Susie. Without caffeine, I can't exist. Seriously, I just would not answer now for any question. But thanks to his wife, I was engaged in Pilates, I study eastern philosophy. Did you know that I am a Buddhist? I really like Coon Fu, this kind of martial arts teaches to discard everything too much and concentrate on an important. For many years, for me, this is one of the main ways to restore the emotional balance. Sometimes it hurts, I mean really physically painfully, but it works. In fact, the main thing is what my wife did - I taught me to live in the real world, and not to escape from it at the very first opportunity. I have to learn to be adults. In fact, Susan got the eleven-year-old Torvan, for nothing that he was under forty.

"Don't you miss a glass of good wine?"

- Not a single second. Sobility is just cool. This is a realistic understanding of your restrictions. Does this shortcoming? Yes, there may be a feeling that something restricts you. In fact, it is just the acceptance of your capabilities.

"You are so easily discussing this period of life when you took drugs, I was sitting in prison." Did you manage to leave it in the past?

- Maybe the fact is that I do not want to "play" this card. I am not interested in being a kind of example for imitation, Hollywood Phoenix, who rebel from the ash. Everything that is truly important for me is family and work. Therefore, I treat that part of my life very practical - I always have a funny story since that time, it's not boring at the film studios. For example, I can screw in a conversation with a steep screenwriter that the guard in prison very insistently suggested me with my scenario about unicorns.

- Today's Downey and the one that was twenty years ago, are two different people. What do you feel when you look at your old interviews?

- Uh-uh. Well, I think at least my style has changed for the better. And leather. Definitely wrinkles on me look better than acne.

- Yes, you look just great. Then the Girl's question. Do you have beauty secrets?

- I have a secret for a million. Record, then thank you for me. If you had a long training, the flight is shorter, you are squeezed as lemon - you will need magic flakes and soda. You dial the bath, thump a half kilo soda and a half - flakes and fifteen minutes. We are magnesium and soda in bulk by the team purchases.

- What do you think I would say the young you, finding yourself a respectable millionaire leading a healthy lifestyle?

- Yes, yes, yes, I was a self-confident guy. You know, in our world all tied to material values. So, the first thing I would probably say: "Hey, dude, we have an office!" And what's next? Iron Man? Minor superhero?! "

- By the way about the material ... I heard, you have a collection of stones and crystals.

- Oh, well, I would not call it so. I am a person who likes ... start collection. But I quickly lose interest. I love vintage cars. But I can not say that I collect them. And I usually take stones in my pockets. I like to think that this is something like small batteries. Not that I am passionate about the New Age-philosophy, I just like to keep something that can be touched. For example, for a while I collected all sorts of things related to the "Iron Man". But I constantly go to parties where the crowd of children, so that all these items somehow quickly dissolved in the air.

- They say when you worked on the "first avenger. Confrontation ", you transported your furniture in Atlanta, where you shot the picture.

- I? Yes, I did not move my finger! I am not so extravagant guy to spend money on such strange things. All made a film company! When you go out so long for a long time, you want to settle down in human. We have brought cats, children with Sugie. And the cats actually prefer the chairs to which they are accustomed. Animals need to sleep somewhere, you understand.

At the actor at home a real zoo: two horses - one sock and baby di, goats Tiger and Memo, Alpaca Miss Brown, Madre, Dandy and Phazzi. And cats - Monti and Darth

At the actor at home a real zoo: two horses - one sock and baby di, goats Tiger and Memo, Alpaca Miss Brown, Madre, Dandy and Phazzi. And cats - Monti and Darth


"Yeah, heard you have a whole zoo."

"I have two horses - one sock and baby di, goats Tiger and Memo, Alpaca Miss Brown, Madre, Dandy and Phazzi. And, most importantly, cats - Monti and Darth.

- And the horses presented you with actor Jamie Fox?

- Yes, I have something like a farm, ranch in California. And Jamie is such a party in honor of my forty-feather: "I do not understand why you have no horses, and the hell! - Now you have! " And I was panicked by horses! Funny. In general, I am not a garment on them, no. And not to say that they are directly wearing without a saddle. Looks like they feel pretty happy. In general, I love them - in my own way. I like that they are fed, that they do not participate in Rodeo, but enjoy nature and freedom.

- Why do you need Alpaca?

- No idea. And do not say that they directly go to people. Only Phase Friendly.

- You have the titles of the highest paid actor and one of the greatest actors of your generation. If you had to choose one, how would you prefer?

- None of them. Listen, well, they are both ... well seriously? No, you can generally imagine Al Pacino or de Niro, seriously discuss something like this? The idea that there is some kind of competition, the rating, the numbers of which we, the actors, check on Mondays, is weird. I don't even know if I am highly paid. I can only say that I pay more taxes than anyone I know.

- What is the coolest in the status of celebrities?

- (Very long pause, Robert pretends to seriously think about the answer.) The ability to get the best table in the restaurant at any time.

- What is the strangest?

- When you go on the street and you see a huge billboard, and on it you are the size of half a day. And in this really there is something abnormal.

"You managed to make a lot of different characters on the screen. There is something else that you would like to try, what role do you dream about?

- Pensioner. Rich pensioner. Because to retire, it is necessary to earn it.

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