Do not yield: what kind of compromises do not go in relationships


The principle "Let would be, as will be", if you are trying to create a really strong union with a partner. Some mistakenly believe that a compromise is a sign of weakness, assignment. But in fact, with a mutual agreement to give way, both partners should donate something, and not one. But still there are such situations where the achievement of a compromise is not a way out, and the beginning of the end:

When you are trying to remove

If the partner regularly tries to hurt you, says that you are not worth anything, your hobby is boring, and the work is unprofitable, it is worth thinking about your relationship. No need to agree to the "compromise" in which you throw work or hobbies just because the partner wants it. Do not forget that a man, whatever golden mountains he promised, can leave at any time, and then you risk staying without a source of income and roof over your head.

Restrictions say not about the love of the guy, but about his psyche disorders

Restrictions say not about the love of the guy, but about his psyche disorders


When your future views do not converge

For example, you want children, but your man is not, or vice versa? And agree to the compromises: "Come on in a year," "I will enhance me and earn a child," "Another project, and then give birth." Such agreements will not lead to anything good, because it is impossible to force a child, so in a year or after increasing the partner will come up with a new reason to postpone pregnancy. The same with marriage. Do not stay with a person who is categorically against legalizing relations - to redo it is unlikely to succeed. But by leaving him, you will not lose time and could find a person with similar looks to life.

When they decide for you, with whom to communicate

If a man says that the girlfriends you are an uneven and permissible to see them, provided that it will be present - this is not a compromise, but infringement. Or, for example, you have male friends, but the partner is aggressively tuned to them and jealously jealously, and therefore prohibits them to communicate with them. It may be that even contacts with family can annoy the lover. All of the above is the intervention in the personal space, the first signs of the abusive relationship. It is not worth going for any agreements regarding close people - only you decide when you want to communicate with.

Do not stay in relationships in which you uncomfortable

Do not stay in relationships in which you uncomfortable


Rules are installed only for you

For example, you can not meet with girlfriends on weekends, go to clubs, dress "defiantly". But at the same time the partner is absolutely free to go to the bars with friends to watch football, ride fishing or communicate with other girls. Such a "game in one gate" will not lead to anything good. There is no compromise here, only unnecessary sacrifice from the girl. It is necessary to establish personal boundaries "on the shore", and if it did not work out, to finish relationships.

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