And men too: leaving funds that are necessary strong semi


Women were accustomed that most of the shelf in the bathroom occupy them, female, leaving money, while men tend to pay a modest foam to shave. Naturally, such a "set" is not enough that it pleases - the men also began to understand this, and therefore it is often possible to meet small companies in the beloved perfume shop. Small companies are truly picking up another leaving agent. Today we decided to figure out which products are really needed by a man to maintain attractiveness.

Means for washing

"Washbar" is necessary for everyone and always. Once men accounted for soaps and stones laughed over the second half, choosing a foam or gel for washing by the type of skin and with a bunch of useful components. However, it is not necessary to iron: men's skin, though it is more dense, but the careful selection of the funds also need. Try to use the means every day before shave.

Make a partner a nice gift

Make a partner a nice gift


Face cream

Unlike women, a man can use rather dense textures if we are talking about moisturizing. Men's leather is thicker, and therefore light emulsion or milk will simply be ineffective. A man can even use baby cream, which perfectly moisturizes, without overloading the skin, but a woman is worth looking for a means easier - still a children's cream can score pores, especially if you have oily skin. Another plus of men's skin is the ability to use body cream on the face, however, we still recommend men to read the composition and avoid mineral oils in any means that you plan to apply on your face.

Balm or hygienic lipstick

"Hygienic" is a frequent guest of men's pockets. Unlike other areas, leather lips and men, and women differ badly, and therefore it will dry the same. Through dry skin - the last thing you can come up with, and therefore, if you notice that your partner has such a problem, make it such a small, but an incredibly useful gift.

High-quality antiperspirant

Most often, antiperspirants and deodorants in men's departments have too bright and annoying smell, at least it is not required of it. The antiperspirant should work on your dryness, which means the "screaming" odor may not just be superfluous, but also cause irritation and headaches with frequent use. We recommend contacting pharmacy brands that are perfectly coped with your task and do not annoy your nose and the nose of your halves.

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