Spears, Zellweger, Roberts: What a long engagement turned to them for them


Stories about those who escaped the brides and changed the grooms at the last moment only seem to be funny jokes from the life of Celibriti. In fact, for each such situation - drama, corrupted psyche, time spent and htched complex of inferiority. Yes, yes, Icons of style and sex symbols, about whom sigh and whom admirers admire, do not bypass the side of the problem in personal life. But it happens especially offensive when "happiness was so possible" ... Friends, colleagues and fans are already in anticipation of a quick celebration, and it breaks away - and publicly, loud, with a scandal!

Cheated hopes

It's one thing when relationships are upset due to objective reasons - the beloved announced the engagement, but did not stand the "trial period" before marriage, were separated because of irreconcilable disagreements or could not agree on what filling for the cake to choose and for which melody represent The first dance of the young. But there are cases from a series of won, shocking even accustomed to the stellages of journalists.

The indicative history of this kind - about Hollywood beauty Actress Ann Hathaway and her perfect beloved, Italian millionaire and fashionista Rafaello Folius. Young people met by chance, passion flashed instantly. The clever of Hathaway, not doubting, gave his heart Rafaello, because the man was not only rich, but also noble: he was engaged in charity, deducting the means by Catholic churches and helping other funds. Ann with its inherent hotness helped the chosen one, and the secular audience could not fall on a sweet couple. Young people spent three years together and announced the engagement. The media have already begun to guess what designer actress will ask to sew a wedding dress, who will order jewelry and where a solemn ceremony will be held. But Idyllius ended as suddenly, as it began, - in one unhappy day, the foller was accused of embezzling fifty million dollars (!), Comnted by his familiar billionaire Ronald Bloke on the charitable goals.

Ann Hathaway ruined the engagement with the Italian millionaire Rafaello folsels

Ann Hathaway ruined the engagement with the Italian millionaire Rafaello folsels

Photo: instagram.com/annehathaway.

Until the last Hathaway did not believe in what happened, because herself was involved - albeit unwittingly - in this ugly situation. The actress supported her beloved, participating in his advertising campaigns and was a co-founder of several of his funds. It is difficult to imagine that I felt the bride of the grooming fool, having learned that there was no such scheme for her back the bridegroom.

Fortunately, the hype After a loud rupture, the engagement gradually lay down, the failed fraudster was put in prison, and Ann found his happiness in the arms of the designer of Adam Schulman's jewelry.

Where a less significant reason for the cancellation of the wedding is, in selflessly and touchy Ben Affleck. His story with a hot Latio-American singer and actress Jennifer Lopez is known to the world. Their romance lasted only two years, during which the couple managed to declare the engagement, to remove the video clip of their unearthly love, to designate the date of the celebration and break forever. Until now, it is not very clear why Ben decided to fulfill the role of the escaped groom and refused to marry Lopez literally a few hours before the wedding ceremony. But evil tongues assure that the cause lies on the surface. During the Bennifer novel, Affale was an anabiosis, while Jen occupied the top lines of musical charts. As a result, the actor could not resist, admitting the bride that he was following him the title of Toy-battle ("Boy-toys". - Approx. Auth.) Under pop queen. It is not clear that it prevented a man to say about her doubts earlier. His impulsive act broke the Jay Lo heart: afterwards she assured that Affleck is the love of her life, and she never experienced such a pain. But despite this recognition, the public humiliation of the singer never forgiven.

I became a victim of our popularity and glory and the young star of Miley Cyrus. Her Matrimonial plans have been riveted in the fly because of too strict education of her failed spouse, actor Liama ​​Hemsworth. The relations of the two rising stars seemed to be durable and stable for three years, and the matter went to the wedding - what lovers and notified the public. The fact that journalists were guided by something impudent in the Danish kingdom, followed by journalists: after the announcement of the engagement, lovers almost ceased to appear together. At first, it seemed to all the fault of the Miley's career, signed by turnover, - the girl changed the image, dried radically, turned out of the girl into a young sexy woman and began to collect fans stadiums.

Judging by

Judging by the "Instagram", Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth after the rupture reunited again

Photo: instagram.com/liamhemsworth.

It would seem that the success of the bride was supposed to please Liam (who, by the way, he himself became an increasingly noticeable person). But the young snob stated that his "nausea and grogit" from the new image of Cyrus, moreover, the bride is "opposed." This is not just hurt Miley: the girl assures that Hemsworth first voiced his claims only before the cameras, and for her it became a shocking surprise. Of course, the engagement of the couple terminated, the romantic relationship stopped, but the singer did not hide the singer for a long time, which nourishes her to the former chosen one.

Other with difficulty experienced this kind of shock, and some of this misfortune falls not even once. So, unhappy in the love daughter of Rocker Ozvey Ozborn, Kelly Scandalist, played the role of abandoned bride twice. And how beautiful it all began! An old and reliable boyfriend of the girl, Luke Warrow, called his beloved marry on the ocean, during their romantic vacation. But the delights of Kelly soon changed by horror: it turned out that Warlell regularly changed her! Moreover, the object of the secret passion of a young man was the transsexual model Ellie Schneider. Only the deceived bride recovered from shocks and established a personal life, agreed to go under the crown with a new friend, Matthew Mosshart, as the goodwires opened her eyes. It turned out that this groom also regularly went to the left. Now the girl left attempts to marry and focused on secular life.

In Justin Timberlake, the main heroine is very similar to Britney Spears

In Justin Timberlake, the main heroine is very similar to Britney Spears

But not only the ladies become victims of self-love, fraud or infidelity of their cavaliers. In our review - two "knight of the sad image", whose hearts broke their cunning girlfriends. The first is Justin Timberlake, for which Roman with Britney Spears became the first serious passion. They were called the main pair of Hollywood, perfect teenagers, the embodiment of the American dream. Britney and Justin met five years, the last two of which were engaged engaged, demonstrating the surrounding a beautiful wedding ring of Spears. The whole world, hopping his breath, followed the preparation of young people to the celebration, but, alas, did not come around. What happened between in love and remains a mystery, but millions of their fans still mourn this parting of the century. The wedding did not get randed, but "shot" hit Timberlake Cry Me a River. From this song, the musical career of the singer went up (and its ex-girlfriend - on the contrary, to decrease). Especially noteworthy the clip on the composition, where Justin with bitterness and angry kicks and breaks the photograph of the spears.

The Hero of Maiden Dream, Mr. Vampire, All Hollywood, Actor Robert Pattinson also became a victim of his heartless girlfriend and Bride Kristen Stewart. The novel, tied on the filming of "Twilight Saga" and was originally considered by PR-move, soon gained momentum. The otherworldly couple appeared everywhere together, forcing fans of the heroes of the film (Edward Cullen and Bella Swan) sob from delight. Idyllic picture, right? Her destroyed Kristen, yielding to temptation and changed his fiance with the director of the picture in which he starred. To all, the man was married. The scandalous frames of passionate kisses are engaged in the stunt and non-free Rupert Sanders had all the newspapers. The drama was gaining momentum: Pattinson and Kristen broke up, then they came together again, but after a rapid reconciliation and promised to each other, love before the coffin, they still said goodbye. Robert's wounded heart heal with a huge number of films in which he played amazingly well. The alterior one still sometimes remembers the failed wedding, despite its suddenly changed sexual orientation.

Roman Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart called PR

Roman Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart called PR

Among our stars, the concept of "engagement" is not so common and popular, but still there are celebrities, which are publicly brought into the world of their chosen, to alleviating the coming plans. It so happened to Dmitry Bilan, who at one time presented his bride Elena Kuleckov. Relationships developed in sight of fans and secular public, but never ended with a wedding march. First, Dima and Lena postponed registration without visible reasons, then Bilan announced that he would marry if he won on "Eurovide". Alas, but he did not restrained his promise - and perhaps Kulecksky was just tired of waiting. True, now, after time, it became clear that this story with Dol-Goy's engagement was only a PR action. And indeed, the peripetia of the relationship of beauty and pop prince of domestic pop, attracted mass attention to themselves.

Happiness was so long

However, the grand heating per hour before the wedding is not the worst thing that can happen in the personal life of celebrities. Sometimes torn the engagement saves from ridiculous vehicles who sweat the public and upset relatives and friends. Often, rapid express weddings followed by a lightning divorce are a cry of the help and recognition of their own psychological problems. The demonstrative story happened again at Britney Spears. Beginning about his divorce with Kevin Federline, the singer went beaten to Las Vegas. With you, the star called the school friend Jason Alexander. Alas, but the saying "Everything that was in Vegas remains in Vegas," did not play: about marriage, concluded in a small chapel in the middle of the desert, the very next day found out the whole world. True, Britney lawyers managed to deposit the incident: Fifty-five hours later, the Union was revoked.

Carmen Electra divorced with her husband a week after the wedding

Carmen Electra divorced with her husband a week after the wedding

Photo: instagram.com/carmenelectra

A slightly longer lasted shocking newlyweds - actress Carmen Electra and Basketball Player and Showman Dennis Rodman. Lovers also went to Las Vegas, also married a nameless chapel and even managed to celebrate a week of living together. True, on the eighth day, Dennis and Carmen were collapsed in the fluff and dust, and for the ninth day their representatives arranged a divorce celebrities.

Now expective wife and mother, a secular lioness and role-playing model for the imitation of adolescents, Kim Kardashian used to be inclined to a strange causing behavior. The girl was engaged for a long time with the athlete Chris Hamfries. Young people have been preparing for a long time and stubbornly for a wedding, which, contrary to all doubts of others, took place. The wise of the celebration was struck even by the Hollywood party: more than ten million dollars were spent on the wedding! The bride is in a chic magnificent outfit, the elegant groom in an impeccable costume, a magnificent reception for two hundred people ... Surely the Kardashian family still regrets the funds spent on the ceremony, because the love of Kim and Chris ended with a quick divorce - lovers lasted together just over two months. The cause of separation was the most "irreconcilable circumstances", which broke a lot of marriages. In fact, Kardashian and Humphreis could not agree on where they would live.

There was not far from his western "colleagues" the star of the series "My beautiful nanny" Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Her first marriage was doomed to failure from the very beginning - after all, the girl said the cherished "yes" ... on the third day of dating! At the same time, the actress itself confessed that he was not even in love with a fermented alien named Olaf Schwarzkopf. Happy youngsters registered in the Moscow registry office and moved home her husband, Germany. But after a month, Anastasia realized that her spouse was not at all similar to that perfect man, the image of which she managed to draw in her head. Zavorotnyuk without regretfully escaped and after six months he met her second husband, Dmitry Stryukova (with whom, however, also broke up). Soon, Sergey Zhigunov appeared in the life of the "beautiful nanny", the same with which Anastasia was in a state of long engagement. The media was a napli headlines about the ambulance, while Zavorotnyuk disassembled with his official spouse. They say, the strenches warned Zhigunov about the nature of his chosen, but the in love "Gardemarine" did not listen. It turned out all the more than trite: marriage never happened, Anastasia Sergey threw, finding consolation in the arms of the figure of Peter Chernyshev. Zhigunov, according to the assurances of loved ones, could not recover from the rapid and passionate novel for a long time.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Sergey Zhigunov never married

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Sergey Zhigunov never married

Another ambulance ending with the brilliance of the wedding ring on a nameless finger, but wrapped in a personal drama, for Rene Zellweger and Kenny Chesney. Folk favorite, the executor of the role of Bridget Jones, according to the assurances of friends, was in love as a cat, therefore did not notice the oddities in the behavior of his chosen. Frames from the wedding on the ocean shore the whole world - like paper about the invalidity of marriage under the article "Fraud". It turned out that Mr. Chesney is not anyone else like a wedding chamber. Since then, Zellweger in love does not believe, it does not seek to marriage, and personal life carefully protects against curious paparazzi.

Someone relationship destroys the unscrupulousness of the chosenness, and someone suffers from banal jealousy. However, this feature of his character actress Elena Korikov, marriage with the writer Dmitry Lipuskere, managed to hide well. The man himself tells that initially it was even a little frightened and cobbled "correctness" and the preferabity of the young spouse. Sharing his feelings, Lipskerers immediately got a jealous and incredulous Lady Vamp in his wife: Elena did not give her husband peace, he constantly suspected, persecuted and "sawing." Spouses tried to save this bright, but a complex union, but he broke out due to the "terrible fatigue" Dmitry after eleven months of marriage.

It is said that happy couples, who were destined to work out, differ from the unfortunate only one: through all the difficulties and problems they manage to go together. Patience, kindness and wisdom are indispensable components of personal success. Nevertheless, sometimes fleeting meetings are fateful and bring welcome happiness. Case case - not otherwise!

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