Gregory Leps: "I work for the sake of family"


- Gregory, what do you feel, changing the sixth ten?

- Honestly? I don't feel a fuck. In any case, while. Until I have only two questions to myself: I already fifty or fifty or fifty? It all depends on who you communicate with. If you communicate with a person who is 20, then, of course, already, and if with an old man, then you still. Part of life live. Only this is what: big or smaller? Probably big, judging by statistics. Such sometimes torment me thoughts.

- Are you afraid that old age is already knocking on the door?

- No, I have been a long time ago. I'm not 20 years old.

- Well, about old age still begin to think just after half a century ...

- Everything has its time. In old age, too, there are advantages. Pension, for example. You honestly worked and rest, they are engaged in yourself, trying to keep the remnants of health.

- With such a frantic schedule, like you, probably, you can already dream about peace. Do you like money so much?

- I love them very much!

- And you do not feel sorry for yourself?

- sorry. But nobody promised to feed healthy. Especially since I have a big family. I have nothing to do anything, except for a glass of water and a piece of bread. Like any normal person.

- And the family is yours as belonging to what he sees you?

- Why not sees? Sees, of course. I am at home, and quite often. Everything is fine, they understand that dad works, it tries for them.

- Grigory, I noticed here: you often emphasize that music simply make a living. That is, there is no speech about the viability of speech?

- I practically do not speak about music, I do not like to talk about it. I do it. What happens, then it turns out. For some, these are quite interesting things. Many criticize me. Someone says: he is a good singer, others that bad. Labels also love to hang: they say, Leps is chanson. I believe that I perform pop songs with rock elements. I know a lot of musicians who talk about themselves as a kind of creative unit. Of course, it is so, and they are all engaged in a certain degree of creativity. There is a weak, low level, there is a high, there is very high. There is a global level in our country - opera singers with well-known names. And there is such a person like Kobzon. All his trouble is that he does not sing in English. If she sang, it would be the second Frank Sinatre. Or first. I love music all, even when I do not understand what they sing.

The singer says that a large number of concerts gives not love of art, but in financial considerations.

The singer says that a large number of concerts gives not love of art, but in financial considerations.

- What does Grigory Leps sing about in the philosophical and tragic work "Tell"? You are the author of the song. Words are associated with personal history?

- This is a personal story.

- Wrote that is about yourself?

- You can and so to speak.

- "So many years have dragged you, we raised everyone to stay with us, did not go up ..." Is it about those of your states when you thought about the hospital bed that the end is nearing?

- Think do not think you will still come to the end.

- Yes, only he can come or early, or later ...

- To visit God, as they say, it does not happen late. As he decides, so it will be. I apologize here. At a certain point in time, we will say that it is time, and we will go.

- And what are you always ready?

- Well, no one is never ready. Everyone wants to live. Good wish.

- "I have more familiar in my cemetery than living ..." - Your words. Do your surroundings have passed death?

- She walked around everything, I think. Depends on the level of human communication. I loved to communicate with those who no longer. But I love to communicate with those who are alive. Range every minute friendship.

- Grigory, you for the dispute for two years did not use alcohol at all. Account for the birthday of the dry law approached the end. After the anniversary, unleash?

- And how! We divide, right to the detox. (Laughs.) Honestly, I don't think about it now.

- You, a man with a Caucasian temperament, is it difficult to find out the relationship? What if a person annoys you?

- beat the face - it was a long time ago. Life showed that diplomacy is much cheaper. With those who annoys me, I try not to communicate at all. Why do I need it? I throw them out of my life. I do not remember that someone is frankly Hamil to me, ten years for sure. Life is not so long to spend it for communication with all sorts of morons and freaks. Especially when there are so many interesting things that are pouring like a balm. If you still have to deal with inadequate people, I try to keep yourself in my hands.

- Honored Artist of Russia Grigory Leps What is fundamentally different from Grisha Lepsa times of Sochi restaurants?

- I became smarter, I hope. Again, friends who are much clearer me, influenced. Although I know a lot of people who do not change. He was like a fifteen-year-old kid, and remained. And there is nothing good in this. When a person changes, gaining experience, becomes more professional, wiser is wonderful. Bad when he does not remember his past. That's then he has no future.

- You have such a library at home - any will envy. What are you going to read?

- Alas, I read to extremely rarely. Sometimes in the car, sometimes on the train, sometimes on the plane. But again, I do not take the books with me. You go online, there is everything you want. Life has become much faster. Therefore, I have books at home - as icons: more for contemplation. But I love them very much, so I collect.

- What is Gregory Leps with his dense concert schedule lacking time?

"I would probably like to just go along the ground." So many beautiful places in the world where I would like to visit. To walk and your eyes please, as I say. I sometimes go to some antique salon, where it was not yet, but I am asked: "What are you looking for? What do you want to buy? " - "Yes, nothing, I just went to glad to please." Many interesting things that I have not seen yet. Therefore, I want to go on the ground when I retire. If your pocket, of course, will allow.

- Well, you're not a gift so much ...

- It's hard to say ... I'm not alone alone. I have a family, children, friends. Not everyone can afford certain things. I'm trying to help them. I understand that it is impossible to help everyone, but trying. I do not eat in one throat.

Vanya Leps is the younger son of Grigory - vividly interested in musical instruments.

Vanya Leps is the younger son of Grigory - vividly interested in musical instruments.

- What is the future you see for children?

"The older daughter looked around in London, now working in Moscow. I don't know about the younger. I wanted to see them just happy people. And what will they do, let them decide, I can only help them. But they are still small. Let them grow up, then let's talk.

- Any artist has a favorite hall, where it works with a special mood. Do you have such a place?

- I work everywhere equally, the task is always one. Perfectly accepted in Ukraine, in Siberia, in the Far East. But abroad concerts pass more sluggish. But it depends more from the public than from me. In general, I am very grateful to people for going to my concerts. Without them, I would not take place. The audience is determined if you need someone. I like to work everywhere. There are only a few places where I do not like.

- And where?

"Where I see a Hamsk attitude to a person who stands on stage and gives his health." In the eyes in the hall I see that they came, they like it, but at the same time they make me a favor. I feel it, they have these words from the chest fly away. It is not enough only to click with your fingers: like well, come on ... although they have some right on it. But I think if you came to the concert, you must respect the artist. Just like the artist should respect the people who came to him. Otherwise, nothing will happen. In respect, almost everything is being built, and contact with the hall too.

- Is it more on private parties?

- I do not work much on private parties. As a rule, often such an attitude to the artist can be seen abroad. In Europe, to a lesser extent, in America - more. Sometimes I don't even want to return there. Fortunately, it is still a single case.

- But the precipitate remains?

- I have no sediment. I send away such people away and immediately calm down ... That's all.

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