Where the stars break up with overweight


Spanish diet for Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia went along with his spouse to the Spanish clinic, where procedures were offered to slow down the aging of the body and detoxification. The TV presenter chose a seven-day program for himself, which was a tough diet, visiting seminars and master classes, Scandinavian walking and yoga classes.

Ksenia Sobchak passed a special program of weight loss in the prestigious Spanish clinic. Photo: instagram.com/xenia_sobchak.

Ksenia Sobchak passed a special program of weight loss in the prestigious Spanish clinic. Photo: instagram.com/xenia_sobchak.

Sobchak was satisfied with the effect of treatment, as told in the microblog: "For the week of food" Aki bird "was kicked out only 2 kg. And this despite everyday workouts, hiking in the mountains and yoga. The body for each gram struggles to death. Well, at least here is delicious and very beautifully-lose weight, in the "hospitals" it is quite suicidally, and here - "wild suite" as my favorite says "(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of authors are preserved, - approx. Womanhit).

Austrian detoxification for anfisa Czech

Anfisa Chekhov arranged an Austrian detoxification. Photo: instagram.com/achekhova.

Anfisa Chekhov arranged an Austrian detoxification. Photo: instagram.com/achekhova.

TV presenter passed the procedure of purification, was engaged in sports and humid in a specialized clinic in Austria. Anfisa two days of starvation, passed physiotherapy, engaged in the simulators and made hiking with dumbbells. Its menu was quite diverse, but low-calorie: soup with celery balls, trout with carrots and pumpkin, chicken baked in herbs, and much more. As a result, Chekhov not only got rid of a few kilograms, but also perfectly rested.

Sports Marathon for Victoria Boni

Victoria Bonya participated in the Spanish fitness marathon. Photo: instagram.com/victoriabonya.

Victoria Bonya participated in the Spanish fitness marathon. Photo: instagram.com/victoriabonya.

Victoria went for two weeks to the Spanish resort, where a fitness marathon was organized for everyone. For 14 days, Vika decided to prepare his body to the beach season and get rid of the "cellulicism" as she herself was joking. All this time, she was engaged in yoga, studied the steam room, or Akreyogu, ran along the coast, paid attention to the power training, was well fed and regularly told about the successes to their fans. "The most positive impressions! - Written Victoria. - A very diverse and intensive training program. Almost all day is dedicated to sports. A group of girls got a wonderful. Everything like on the selection, "I see a goal - I do not see obstacles", without whining. "

Kazan Raisin for Pelagia

Pelagia went to the SPA-hotel located in Kazan.

Pelagia went to the SPA-hotel located in Kazan.

Lilia Charlovskaya

It was noticeable to lose weight by the singer due to changes in nutrition. At first she went to the SPA-hotel, located in Kazan, which is very popular with our celebrities. At one time, Masha Zigal was visited there, Gennady Khazanov, Tatiana Lutaeva and many others. According to Pelagei, first of all she rested well, cleared the body and, most importantly, learned to eat right. It was after passing procedures and communication with the specialists of the singer was able to refuse sweet, and now only the right products in its menu.

Alpine calm for Alika

Alika Stakhova spent a week at the Medical Center in the Austrian Alps. Photo: instagram.com/alika_smekhova.

Alika Stakhova spent a week at the Medical Center in the Austrian Alps. Photo: instagram.com/alika_smekhova.

Every year, the actress goes to the medical center in the Austrian Alps. There, the lamb is undergoing procedures for cleansing and restoring the body. And also makes special research, depending on the results of which changes the power system. So, Alik eliminated the products containing gluten from its menu - these are bakery and sausages, as well as sauces and mayonnaise. In addition, the laughter now does not eat eggs, dairy products based on cow's milk and yeast products. Also, European specialists taught the actress to observe the day of the day: to go to bed, wake up and take food in a strictly allotted time. And two months ago, the actress before the holidays on Bali dropped a couple of kilograms in the Moscow clinic. Alik itself calmly refers to health procedures, considering their vital necessity. And approves: the main thing is health, and several dropped kilograms are a nice bonus.

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