As on the selection: countries where you are waiting for the most beautiful men


Recently, disputes in social networks as to which country can boast the largest number of beautiful men per square meter, do not subside. Probably, a unambiguous answer to this question does not exist, the concept of beauty and attractiveness for each of its own. However, we decided to collect the most popular options for answers that girls give.


Hot climate, beaches and alcohol all night - as a rule, it is precisely such associations that most of the female population of the planet occur when it comes to Brazil. However, Brazilian men allocate a separate point. And there is its own truth in this: already that year, representatives of this particular country occupy the first places on all sorts of men's beauty contests. But besides external appeal, Brazilian men boast of incredible friendliness and sociability, which conquers most European women.

Each girl will find a man to her taste

Each girl will find a man to her taste



Men from Lithuania can boast a truly fabulous appearance, you can even hold a parallel with a legolars - the hero of Orlando Bloom from the "Lord of the Rings" - the same blond hair, pale leather, blond eyes - well, what is not an elves? Lithuanians do not differ in particular passion, but they show only their partner attention, is incredibly romantic and always ready to console. If you are looking for a man with a thin soulful organization, why not try happiness in Lithuania?


Returning to hot blood, it is impossible to pass by hot-tempered, but at the same time romantic Georgians. If a Caucasian man likes a woman, he does not see barriers on his way, literally, he is ready to perform any whim. At the same time, the stereotype that such men prefer exceptionally blondes, smashes to smash - any liked girl will not be deprived of the attention of Georgian.


The undoubted leader in all sorts of surveys is Italy. Tanned dark-haired handsome men leave an indifferent any woman if you decide to spend your vacation on the southern shore, be prepared for increased attention from a strong floor - you will not literally give a pass. Italian men take care of beautifully, but at the same time can behave like ordinary boys - pull the hair, pinch into the joke and this action is incredibly having fun.


If you are crazy about the blonde men of a strong physique, your choice should be Sweden - the descendants of the Vikings will not disappoint women who are accustomed to surround themselves with beautiful people. The Swedes were lucky with the correct features of the face and porcelain skin, while their main difference from Lithuanians in the absence of fragility in silhouette. Scandinavians are more talkative and do not mind tying a pleasant acquaintance, you will not be disappointed.

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