Breakfast options for the whole family


Traditionally, the morning in Russian families begins with a dense breakfast - oatmeal on milk, sandwiches with cheese or scrambled eggs, hot tea and coffee. And what if you diversify the diet and try new options for familiar dishes? It offers several recipes that you can pamper your relatives in the morning.

Fried oatmeal

Ingredients (1 serving) :

50 grams of oat flakes of long cooking

1 Chicken Egg or 5 Quail Eggs

1 apple

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Honey or jam to taste


On a dry non-stick frying pan, fry oatmeal for 1-2 minutes. Add the egg and interfere with the cooking. Lay out the resulting oatmeal to a plate. Cut the apple with large cubes - put on a frying pan, sprinkled with cinnamon and extinguish under the lid of 1-2 minutes. Add apples to fried oatmeal, mix. At the request of the dish with honey or jam.

Fried oatmeal

Fried oatmeal


Rice pudding with fruit


50 gr rice in dry form

Fruits to taste - Apple, Banana, Pear

1 chicken egg

20 ml of cream or milk

1 teaspoon honey


Heat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Boil the fig until half-ready. Cut the fruit with cubes and mix with the remaining ingredients. Place the mixture into the baking shape - prepare in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

rice pudding with fruit

rice pudding with fruit


Rich omelet.


3 chicken eggs

50 ml of milk

50 g crab sticks

50 g Cheese

1 Tomato

1 teaspoon of corn starch

Salt and pepper to taste


Cut the crab sticks and tomato cubes. Heat the non-stick frying pan on medium power. In a separate bowl, mix eggs, milk and starch - whip the mixture by a blender for 2 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture. Pour the mixture into a frying pan and cook under the lid for 2-3 minutes. Omelet must turn out to be gentle and lush.

Rich omelet.

Rich omelet.


Smoothie "Vitamin Bomb"


3 tablespoons of chia seeds

1 cup of milk / kefir / ipains - to taste

1 banana

1 Pear


Soak chia seeds in milk at night. Cut the banana and pear cubes, clearing the peel and seeds. Wake up all the ingredients in the blender and transfer to a glass. Optionally, you can change the ingredients - add oatmeal, honey, other fruits. The main thing is to remember that "acidic" fruits like orange or kiwi are not combined with dairy products - the milk turns into serum, and the cocktail acquires mustard.


Smoothie "Vitamin Bomb"




1 non-adhesive white bread loaf

2 eggs

100 ml of milk

50 g Cheese

50 grams smoked meat / ham / sausages

1 Tomato

Salt and pepper to taste


Baton cut into pieces of 3-4 centimeters thick, in the middle of each of them make an incision about ⅔ the height of the baton. Cut the cheese, smoked meat and tomato with thin slices or straw - put in the resulting bread pockets. Mix eggs and milk in a separate container. Saving sandwiches into this mixture and fry on a non-stick frying pan under the lid for 2-3 minutes on each side. Sung and stick to the taste of a ready-made dish.




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