In real events: 4 prototypes of popular kinhero


The cinema allows us to be part of sometimes non-existent worlds, see characters that are impossible in reality, however, by polls, which annually conduct film resources, the overwhelming majority prefers paintings based on real events. Today we have collected the five brightest people in modern history, which directors dedicated their work.

Mark Zuckerberg ("Social Network", 2010)

IT-genius, the creator of the popular social network could not stay without a bacon in his honor. In 2010, David Fincher presented to the world with a ribbon about a young programmer, the story unfolds at the university's walls, where the main character with his friends makes the first steps towards the main brain of his life. If you have not yet managed to appreciate the film "Social Network", today is time to arrange a view alone or with your second half.


Film "Social Network", 2010

Margaret Thatcher (Iron Lady, 2011)

A woman who inspired millions of politicians and ordinary housewives became the center of the "Iron Lady" painting, the director of which was the same director-Woman - Phillid Lloyd. The plot of the film is twisted around the life of Thatcher after she left the post of Prime Minister. The heroine loves to talk about his past, it becomes clear from conversations that in the youth Margaret did not see himself in politics and was far from this topic. But fate ordered otherwise - Thatcher did not just become one of the main figures not only in the British parliament, but also an influential politician for the whole world. If you lack inspiration and you experience a slight feeling of disappointment, "Iron Lady" is waiting for you in online cinemas.


Film "Iron Lady", 2011

Pablo Escobar (Escobar, 2017)

Criminal drama with Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz in high roles. Probably it is difficult to come up with a more "powerful" negative character than the real Pablo - Colombian drug trap. The Escobar film is shown by the eyes of his beloved, the journalist Virginia Vallejo, who involuntarily fell into the world of crime, which practically broke her professional life. Recommends for viewing!


Film "Escobar", 2017

George Young ("Cocaine", 2001)

The predecessor "ESCOBAR" is the criminal drama "Cocaine" with Johnny Depp in the lead role. What is interesting, Penelope Cruz appeared here, playing the wife of Hero Depp. Young was one of the most influential Escobar partners who helped Pablo to conduct business in the United States in the mid-80s of the last century. George received a rigorous period for his activities, but in 2014 he was aired ahead of schedule thanks to cooperation with the FBI. At the moment Yang receives many proposals for participation in documentary paintings, and also consists in excellent relations with Johnny Depp, who once embodied his image on the big screen.

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