Breathe deeply: how to prepare dad to replenish in the family


If for a woman pregnancy and subsequent troubles associated with the baby, sometimes incredibly expected events, then the future dad changes in life due to the appearance of a child may seem critical. To make your man perceived a new role with less psychological losses, we will give several tips. Save in bookmarks!

Let him change

Each of us perceives changes in different ways: someone does not react in any way, while others are solved for serious steps like changing work or moving. If your man offers you, for example, the repair you have been postponed for several years, do not rush to him with the charges - "Now is not time!" - Perhaps, so your partner is trying to adapt to new circumstances, deciding on the affairs, which used to seem secondary. Support your soul mate and help choose a wallpaper for a future baby instead of a new scandal.

do not build a wall between yourself and a man

do not build a wall between yourself and a man


Do not try to make a man "Mommy 2.0."

One of the main mistakes of future dads, especially if the child is the first, - try to like a mother. Do not even try, because the baby is already able to understand who in front of him in the first month of his life. If you have friends who have children, try to watch them, as a father in a familiar pair interacts with the baby. You can hardly notice the similarity in the attitude of Mom's baby and his father.

Dad may be present in childbirth

Although today, the presence of the father in childbirth is no longer uncommon, many men still doubt the last, whether their presence is necessary in the labor hall. No one will condemn if the man is confident that the process of appearing his child to the light is too for his psyche, but this does not mean that expecting outside, a man feels relaxation, ask someone from relatives whenever possible be near your second half, To morally support while you are engaged in an incredibly important thing.

Do not build a "wall" with each other and the future dad during pregnancy

Many are confident that a man has nothing to know the details of the changes occurring during pregnancy. This is partly so, but everything should not be left from the man until the birth. Tell him about what is happening with the baby in each of the periods, prompted to look together things for the baby or shifteen the literature for pregnant women. Thus, your man already in the early deadlines of your pregnancy will not take the future child as something alien.

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