Lolita and graduate student


The setting was that yet.

Emnotic aunts with typical figures of elderly aunt - Shoulders-fold-fold-legs - shouted on their grandchildren, multi-arms units in sagging training with sagging belly and chin, hung on bags and backpacks, photographed every step of their households ... People around Zheval, Oral, washed And, it seemed, only Eva was bored and lonely on this island of universal happiness.

Eva arrived in the Southern Palm City to lick spiritual wounds, but apparently, was mistaken with dislocation. While relaxing, when the couples and families are completely around, you feel more and more strongly feeling. It was necessary to go to some partial place for single Ibiza type, or there was no money to Ibits, so Adler was chosen.

In Adler, and in general, in these places Eve was for the first time and was very surprised by the local disrescribe to the rest of Russia. And it was not only in magnolias-mimosah. The people were another, culture, kitchen, style - everything was thickly attached to the near Caucasus. Women here preferred black - even in burning heat, men dressed the same way as twenty years ago, - in sports costumes, the style of communication - a casual-richish - was fraught and distributed.

But the coffee in Turkish, who Eva adored and which in the megalopolis was not so easy to find, here was at every step, and decent, local food - Achma, Suluguni, Hinkyi and all that was, as it should be caucasian food, tasty Incredible. In general, the pros, if not for licking the Russian Academy of Sciences, then just for rest.

Wounds Eve, to be honest, applied to themselves practically. They say: do not impose special hopes on people, do not have to be disappointed. And Eve, yes, pinned ...

Eve was a pretty beautiful young woman with a thin waist, burning black eyes and in general with many advantages. The problem was in character. In her childhood, there was no love and support, it was necessary to achieve everything, and the character was stuck - God forbid any man. Eve was reliable, responsible, targeted, everything knew how to solve itself. Well, it is clear that with such a scenario, a man to her is weak, which had to be, talking figuratively, breastfeeding. And she fed - cakes and pancakes, jumping out at five in the morning, prepared, washed, soap ... And could not understand why men were not delayed for a long time. They were eaten and quietly dissolved in space ...

- Yes, you stop them to be a mom, - exhorted her viktz, girlfriend, who has long and successfully stuck married. Around the wiki, the husband spoiled, she climbed, gave rise to jealousy, manipulated, provoked - and both spouses were scary happy.

"I can't do that," Eve was frustrated. - Well, I have no female tricky. No one was to teach. I didn't even teach me on Velik to ride ...

- So what now, all my life on unhappy childhood nodding? - Wiktz started. - You're a big girl, learn from myself. I learn from me while I am alive!

Girlfriends were laughing, Viktz tried to do Eve, Eve resisted, considering himself that there should be no trick in relations, but only honesty ... but the tactics did not bring success. The last time of Hope destroyed Ilya, who seemed Eva reliable, serious and not such infantile as previous ones. She, as usual, began to build mental plans for the future, but time went, the offer Ilya did not do, and after half a year, Eva realized that he was impassably bored and predict. And how she wanted to marry, but to spend a lifetime next to such a man - Brr!

And this time, Eva was dissolved, fell out of the relationship. Just escaped to Adler, putting the point sharply. Viktz approved and strictly-setting punished the resort novel - at least to increase self-esteem, as it was expressed.

A self-esteem to raise here was decidedly not with anyone. Is that the rescuer in the pool she noted yesterday. High, cheerful, with long hair, cleaned in the tail, the guy was in her taste. Start sinking in his eyes, or what?

Eva got marked in the spirit of Hollywood cinema - about how he will save it, and they will passionately kissing right there, at the pool's edge ...

Thined the phone. "I hope you do not lose the gift of time." Viktz was a strict girlfriend.

"The rescue will fit?"

"Let's start already! FOOD! "

Eva walked, went to the pool. The rescuer was in place.

Forward, mentally ordered Eve and moved to him.

Intelligence battle has been successfully. They chatted, liked each other, agreed to meet in the evening in the cafe on the embankment.

He is a womanizer, probably a womanizer, "Eve thought, going. - Probably, the wife of the house is waiting for, and he gets acquainted with a new girl every evening.

"He is probably a womanizer," in panic wrote a friend.

"Yes, you turn off the ball, the Bald! Just sit in a cafe with a guy. Successful sex! " - Viktz was in his repertoire ...

The cafe was beautiful. Very closely raided the waves, the sun smoothly walked down ... Lolita sang: "I will give life for you ..." Mitya was polite, cheerful, pleasant, they chatted without silence. He said that he was studying in graduate school, he writes the candidate, he arrived in Adler to relax and do not care with the work of the rescuer ... She, having drank a couple of glasses of Abkhaz wine, suddenly posted him the story of all his ridiculous and lonely life, starting with Childhood, burst out ... He comforted, gently hugging, she broke:

- It's all the wine, I actually drink little ...

And it was such a feeling that she finally met him - his fellow, her man, his happiness ...

When she spoke, he was spoiled when he drank was the last sip of wine and brought an account, he was easily patted his pockets and fun - how everything that did, said:

- Wallet, probably forgot in the locker room, in the pool. Pay?

Of course, she paid. They spent a wonderful night in the hotel, ordered fruit, champagne there.

- Tomorrow I have been from ten in the pool, you come right away, I will give you money and agree, where we have dinner, okay?

Eve did not object. So it was not good for a long time ...

In the morning, happy, disadvantaged, she ran to the pool.

Mitya was not.

She waited a little. Asked another rescuer:

- Where is the Mitya?

- What mitya?

- Well, yesterday there was a lifeguard, such, with a tail ...

- A, Andrei? Yes, this is not a rescuer, so familiar someone, asked for a couple of days, replaced someone, or I really did not understand.

Eva measured. Andrew?

- And whose familiar? How to find it?

- Girl, how do I know? And what did you like it? So I'm not worse, maybe let's go to the cafe, we drink wine?

- No thanks.

Eva moved away from the pool, sat on a shop.

Even with the name I was aligned, "graduate student" ... what is it, eh? What, she is written on her face that all sorts of freaks and sweat sticks to her? Lord, what to do something?

One Eva knew exactly: she won't tell her friend to his girlfriend. Never.

And you need to write to your phone on this song Lolita - "Let's send it to ..."

And finally, new life.

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