Rules of good tone: etiquette we forget about


Culture of communication and behavior should be accustomed to every person since childhood. True, some rules of decency in society are not in demand - we can go to the premises without letting it out of it, to forget to say hello or not think about who should be the first to enter the elevator. Even if your colleagues and friends break them, do not repeat the error: it is better to gently tell me how to behave correctly. Reminds important rules of etiquette that often forget.

Communication with people


  • Entering the room, welcome the first one.
  • If a man approached you, he must be first to say: "Hello!", But in contacting the older person or the face of you asked the first thing you welcome.
  • When you go with a friend, he meets a friend and greet him, you also have to greet this person.


  • If you met a familiar man on the street, serve the first - the etiquette rules say.
  • However, the greeting with the leader should begin with his gesture. If a woman is with you older than you, the rule is preserved.

In an unfamiliar company you must submit

In an unfamiliar company you must submit



  • When you are going to the company of friends, and suddenly your friend is suitable for you, you must present it to the rest and know where you know: "Guys, this is my Institution friend Sasha!"
  • If you are familiar with people, then the first to appeal to the older in rank or age, for example, for example: "Elena, this is my school friend Masha." In turn, Elena must first file Masha's hand for a handshake.


Stairs. Lifting up the stairs, go to a pair of step in front of a man. Going down, give way to a man in front, so that he gives you a hand.

Stroll. Going next to a man, you must be right. The only exception is military personnel who need to welcome colleagues if necessary.

You must go to the right of a man

You must go to the right of a man


A door. Entering the building, first skip the coming out of it and only then go for yourself. Always hold the door for people who come to you, and thank those who do it for you.

In the hall. Go to your place face to the already sitting, not forgetting to miss your companion ahead - a man always goes first. If you sit, but forced to skip people, stand up and lift the seat, freeing the place to pass.

In a guest

Compliment. Do not come to visit empty hands - buy a bouquet of colors hostess at home or sweets to tea. If people who you go to visit, have children, buy a small toy for them.

Talking on the phone. It is considered to be uncultured to talk on the phone longer a couple of minutes when you are visiting. If you were called for work or personal business, go to another room, so as not to distract the rest of the guests from the conversation.

Make a house with the house. When guests come to you, immediately show them where you can wash your hands and where to go to the toilet. Be sure to hang a clean towel and make sure that the soap is fresh soap.

Guests service. Better if you prepare the table in advance. Do not wash the dishes until guests go away. During the meal, it is considered wrong to wait for the guest if he warned about the delay in advance.

Thanks. Leaving, always thank the owners of the house for a warm welcome. If you are forced to leave earlier, warn about it a couple and be sure to write thank SMS after care.

Thank the owners for dinner

Thank the owners for dinner


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