Systemic personality development: the main factors of our formation


Today it is very fashionable to talk about self-development, about improving the personality, etc. Personal growth. Of course, everyone wants to become a successful person, a real professional of his business. But how to achieve this? And here many of us face irresistible obstacles, including in the form of beliefs, stereotypes, complexes.

We all come from childhood ... Our value installations, behavior models, complexes and phobias are formed in the family, under the influence of the nearest environment - parents, relatives, schools. Of course, in the course of life, they are subjected to a certain adjustment, change or even quite significantly transform, but often the main factor is not even personal experience as the interpretation of what is happening.

These interpretations ask us an assessment of perception and key decisions, conclusions about themselves, about the world, about relationships with the world and its members. We are all of the beliefs and memories. And often we adopt the beliefs of parents, relatives and even several generations that lived long before us. For example, we often face such convictions: money = danger, and big money = big danger; Men weak and trust them are not worth it; Sexuality is bad and dangerous.

Cauche, VIP-mentor Sergey Beach

Cauche, VIP-mentor Sergey Beach

Such stereotypes and conclusions about the world around them become a key basis for working on themselves. And, unfortunately, many similar beliefs begin to disturb us, become an obstacle just where it would be necessary to move away from these beliefs, or, on the contrary, pushing us to the wrong actions. Someone, trying to fight artificially imposed stereotypes, begins to follow other installations that can be even worse, push into a destructive path, leading only to losses and slow or fast self-destruction.

In addition, people around us are playing a very large role in our formation. Wednesday form interests, vocabulary, feeling of perception of the world. Unfortunately, not every one of us is a mentor - a person who can give high-quality feedback, bringing us to the ideal to which we strive.

How can a mentor help us? It will allow us to develop a personal plan, purpose and mission; form and accept personal internal decision and action; Develop the ability to selfish and configure internal values. The ultimate goal can also be formed by the mentor. But you can become a mentor and yourself, if you know how to make yourself able to put tasks, improve knowledge, develop every day and receive new knowledge.

It is very important to measure the level of its development, expressed in the increase in knowledge, finance, the emergence of new useful dating. If this level is growing - everything goes as needed, and if not, this is a reason to think about it and something in yourself and your behavior to adjust. You can advise to create a plan of your tasks and note what has been achieved, but what is not, where it is necessary to work, and where, on the contrary, you can even "weaken the lunk".

I would also add honesty with myself as a very important criterion to the success of myself and needs in certain knowledge. Do not deceive yourself, considering yourself above or lower in one direction or another. Only honest and clear work on themselves will really improve their level, increase it and achieve their goals.

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