Testa, queues and rudeness: what holidaymakers in Russia are complaining about


In the courtyard, the beginning of August, but you can already sum up some results of the summer season. Because of the events known for all events, it was necessary to rest vacationers either on native six hundred and either on no less relatives (but some of the already subsided) Russian resorts. What do vacation members complain who visited this summer in their native expanses?

Main complaints: Tesnete, queues and rudeness. Many many resorts were not ready for the influx of such a number of vacationers, from here and problems. Also, many noted the lack of social distances and disregard for masks. As many resorts assure, in some Russian coastal cities, people seemed to have been heard of a pandemic. Therefore, even nobody puts on the masks in stores, and there is no distance in the queue at all about one and a half meters.

More travelers who are accustomed to Turkish hotels through the "All Included" system, until they can accept the fact that the buffet is now forbidden to take food on its own, and you need to wait for a waiter who will put in a plate what he is asked. Since the waiters themselves are not accustomed to such a situation, there are no queues on dinners in hotels. By the way, in the favorite many Turkey, the situation with a buffet is the same: the food is now hidden behind the glass, and the food helps to impose a waiter.

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