Alexey Gorbunov: "I taught Tim Rota in Russian"


- Alexey, the image of a real man in our cinema will embody many, but only you have a thought of making my own about ordinary men, what they think about, and not about what they say, like the Quartet and.

- Yes, what they say about, we have already listened ... And this is only a "quartet and" says so. Men, whom I know, speak quite different. And in addition to this performance, by the way, I always wanted to make a documentary film, and here, in Odessa, I came exactly with such a picture. This is a story about the former star of football, which became homeless, drinks, but circumstances make it return to the game, become a team coach without a certain place of residence and at the World Beach Football Championship among homeless people in Italy to win. We shot this film for two years, and this is a frank story. There is an obscene vocabulary, but I believe that the mat is the only honest words that people have now left.

- I want to ask about the profession in which you walked through the work of the mount booster, the utility work scene, and in difficult times, when the shooting was frozen, even worked with private wrap, but were not going to throw acting. Obviously you came to this sphere not for the sake of money ...

- I came to the profession in Soviet times, when no one thought about money, and everyone was looking for work in the soul. Since childhood, I was fond of music, and I accidentally got into the movie, still studying in high school, "I just noticed me singing on stage and invited to act.

"Especially for me, it was strange when I read in one of your interviews that if the music brought the same decent earnings as a movie, you would throw it. It turns out that you are the music in the first place?

- Perhaps there was a period when I thought so. But if we talk about priorities, then most of all I love radio. In pensions I see myself the owner of the radio station. So, if I have no movie, I will definitely find anything - I will concert with my group, to work more actively on the radio, to write fairy tales.

- You also released the album "Songs who sang the Father." So, is it he making you love for music and singing?

- And mom, and dad, and the environment - everything affected. But I have a low voice, like a younger brother, - Father's. Dad comes from Altai, and from nature was a man very artistic, despite the specialty engineer designing huge factories. I was always chewing that I chose at all a man's profession, in his opinion. A man, in his opinion, should be a creator - to build at home, drive ships, manage aircraft; That is, do something with your hands.

- It is curious that you answered him.

- I told him: "Dad, wait, let's see!"

Music for Alexey is a hobby of life. Photo: Larisa Kamyshev.

Music for Alexey is a hobby of life. Photo: Larisa Kamyshev.

- I know that you have not been received from the first time to the Kiev State Institute of Theatrical Art. Ivan Karpenko-Karoy, because they were not a Komsomol. Apparently, you were a challenge, inconspicuous, always having their own position with the opposite ...

- I was a two-way, hooligan, farther. Such in the Komsomol did not take. But in principle, I grew up with a normal Soviet child who hated the Soviet Union, listened to Western music, wanted to wear jeans and dreamed of falling abroad in the future.

- How do I understand, at some point, the desire to set off abroad leave you?

- Yes, life turned differently.

- You are not from those who constantly exploit once invented image, and confess that you like to learn from young ... It turns out, do not suffer over the excess pathos, like some of your colleagues?

- Future - for young people. Therefore, I am with great joy to shoot as young directors, operators, and with young actors. And I see what a large number of talented people, for which it is nice to watch on the playground. And it's not ashamed to say that I have something to learn.

- Where are you filming now?

- In the French. The picture "Phaev", where I played with Emir Kusturia, and today I am filmed in the film "Mebius" along with Tim Mouth, Jean Duzhardden, Cecile de France and Madly happy. Director Eric Roshan saw me in the film Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov "12" and invited him to his project. I get a huge pleasure from the filming and has already taught the Tim Rota respected by me in Russian. (Smiles.)

- You have two daughters: the elder, eleven-year-old Anastasia, and the youngest, three-year-old Sophia. They went the character in you?

- I hope they look like their moms. Well, on me too, of course. And it pleases me, because it is better to be with the character than without him. They are both bright girls capable. Nastya sees himself as a designer, and Sonya loves to draw and sculpt. And at the subconscious level, she simply crazy paintings are obtained. So my daughters are clearly creative attendants, but how further everything will work out - unknown.

- You have a big filmography. You played both criminals and security officers, but somehow admitted that you see themselves in the role of in love, because in the modern world real love is rarely found ...

- Love a lot, but no one sees it and does not show. In the cinema and on TV, we demonstrate some eternal investigators, office idiots, and there are no people there. It seems to me that it is even indecent. And in the life of the present stories, which no one tolerates in films. And I really want to play a loved one. No love people do not live. They suffer, exist, but do not live. We breathe complete lungs only when there is a real feeling. This is especially true for adults. The meaning of life is it in love and children. And the older I become, the one is more clear for me.

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