We are struggling with irritability: scientists proved the effectiveness of breathing exercises


Psychologists were not in vain predicted that during the epidemic the world would change. With a constant reminder of doctors about the need to comply with the distance, people began to go to the shops, meet friends and even travel. The restriction of movement made them quick-tempered: the energy will be copied, and it is not necessary to throw it out, because it's impossible to go to therapy or in person consultation with the therapist. Two new randomized clinical trials in Yale University and Harvard show that breathing can help most in the fight against irritability.

Why are negative emotions dangerous?

Testing anger from time to time normal - negative emotions is important to recognize and solve the reason for their manifestation. Hiding them, you still encounter their effect: it is difficult to focus, clearly think, make decisions and show a creative approach, which confirm the studies of brain images. It also affects your emotional intelligence. In fact, anxiety makes you more focused on yourself, and you are not so good to communicate with others. Can suffer relationships with colleagues and even close. A dream is disturbed, immunity is reduced, you are exhausted. That's what happens when you are constantly in the fight or flight.

How to cope with it?

In foreign psychological practice, the word "MindFulness" is popular, which is translated as "awareness". The theory suggests that you will watch your thoughts from the moment of the emergence of the transition to the acute stage, as the instructor has taught you or the application - sometimes it is not only difficult, but also impossible. Studies show that data on such a way to combat the negative is ambiguous: it works for some, but for others there is no.

Meditation - the key to the fight against the negative

Meditation - the key to the fight against the negative

Modern problems require modern solutions

"Several years ago, our research team wanted to help veterans returned from Iraq and Afghanistan with post-traumatic stress. Many have passed regular courses of therapeutic or pharmacological treatment - did not help anything, "the author of the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the respiratory practice of Emma Seppälya writes in the material. Then, on the subjects, scientists applied the rhythmic breathing technique Sudarshan Kriya, which is popular among yoga practitioners. "In our study, using the meditation" Heavenly Breath ", we were able to normalize the concern of veterans in one week. The level of their anxiety remained a normal month and a year later, which indicates a persistent improvement. Physiologically we watched the same thing: we measured their fright reaction, anxiety. "

To confirm your words, practice 8 weeks was tested together with two other respiratory techniques on 135 students of Yale University. "Students study the tools that they can use the rest of their lives to continue to improve and maintain their mental health," said Cristina Bradley, a student of the University of Michigan.

Harvard study of the same practice has shown long-term positive effects from breathing exercises. Threaded after 3 months decreased the level of anxiety to important events that scientists were determined by physical signs.

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