Question on snowpad: stars, sickly during an interview


Tom Hardy

Press conference on the "Legend" picture, which took place in the framework of the International Film Festival in Toronto, was in full swing, when one of the journalists decided to change the topic of conversation. "My question is addressed to Tom Hardy," Graham Coleman said the reporter of the LGBT edition. - In the film, your hero opens about his sexual orientation. However, you always avoid this topic in your interview, which creates some kind of ambiguity. Stars so hard to discuss with the press of their orientation? " "I'm sorry, what?" - Actor was confused. "I am interested in whether celebrities are difficult to talk about their sexual orientation," the journalist clarified. "I do not think that celebrities are difficult to talk about their sexual orientation. But what do you want to ask specifically with me? What is my orientation? " - He began to get out of Hardy. "Yes," Coleman replied. "Why do you need this?" - the volume asked irritably. And without waiting for the answer, I decided to put an end to an inappropriate conversation: "Thank you. The next question is. "

After Tom Hardy praised because he was honored with an uncomfortable situation for himself and did not tear a press conference. And suddenly famous Graham Coleman in justification of his provocative question stated: "I did not expect that he would talk on this topic. But my belief that some stars are still awkwardly discussed sexual orientation, once again confirmed. "

By the way, Tom Hardy is married to actress Charlotte Riley. And in September of this year they announced that they were waiting for a child.

Samuel L. Jackson

In the winter last year, Samuel L. Jackson was invited to an interview with KTLA TV channel. Leading Sam Rubin, before proceeding to the conversation about the new movie movie star "Robocop", decided to praise the actor for participating in the commercial, shown in the final game for the title of the champion of the US National Football League. "What roller?" - I did not understand Jackson. And while Ruby tried to collect his thoughts, he had reached Samuel that the lead confused him with Lawrence Fischer.

"I am not Lawrence Fishburn," the actor shouted. - We are not at all like him. Maybe we are both black and both are famous, but we are different people. " Sam began to apologize, but the actor was no longer stopped: "No, what is it? Calculate that not just one black guy can be filmed in advertising. I am a black guy with a credit card advertisement. Morgan Freman - a black guy with an advertisement of another credit card. Fishburn - black guy with car advertising. And we are all different! "

A few minutes later, Jackson still calmed down and moved to the topic of the film. But it was not possible not to cite: "I am the only black guy in the" Robocope ", which is not a criminal. Not counting Michael K. Wilms. Remember it! "

Schaya LaBafe

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Schaya Labafe. Photo: Frame from the film "Transformers".

The behavior of Labaf's Shaii at last year's press conference on the film "Nymphomanka", in which he played one of the roles, has greatly outraged the public. The actor asked a question why he agreed to act in a picture of abundant bed scenes. In response, Chaia said: "Seagulls follow the trawler only because they think that the sardines will be thrown into the sea." After that, I got up and left the press conference.

By that time, Labufa was presented with several charges in the plagiarism. And it is curious that even this meaningful phrase, thrown by Shay at a press conference, was invented not by the actor himself. Words belong to the football player Eric Canton, who uttered them at a press conference in 1995 after the accusation of the fan of the fan.

However, this is not the only labathy anticipation at the Berlin Film Festival, in which the correspondence of the actors of the film "Nymphomanka" with journalists took place. On the red carpet of Shai out with a paper bag on the head, on which the inscription "I am no longer famous".

Robert Downey Jr

In April of this year, Robert Downey Jr. in the live broadcast of one British TV channel gave an interview dedicated to the emergence of the picture "Avengers 2: Era Altron". However, an unexpected conversation with the reporter of Krishnan Guru-Marti took an unpleasant turn when the journalist asked the actor about his past.

"Five years ago, you said:" You can not go from a gorgeous room in a hotel worth $ 2,000 in a correctional colony, really realize this and get out of there with Liberal. " Can you explain? " - asked Guru-Marti. Downey Jr. was taken away, began to look at the exit, but he tried to stick together. "I can argue on this topic two hours, do not get closer to the truth and tell you something very stupid. I can't even say now, who is liberal. Here's the answer, "Robert replied with a smile in the hope that the topic would be exhausted. But Krishnan continued to bend his line and asked: "Does it mean that, coming out of prison for more than ten years ago, where did you serve for drugs, did you become Liberal?" "Sorry, don't we talk about the film here?" - I tried once again to get away from an unwanted conversation actor.

Robert Downey Jr. Photo:

Robert Downey Jr. Photo:

"I ask you about the past, because elsewhere you spoke about relationships with your father and the role they played in your darker periods of life when you used drugs and alcohol," Guru-Marti continued. - And I wonder, Do you think yourself now free from all this or still there is something in you ... "But Downey Jr. did not give him to finish:" Sorry, what are we doing? " "I just ask questions, that's all," answered the reporter. "You seemed normal, but all this passes all sorts of borders," Robert cried and stealing in obscenely, left the room.

Quentin Tarantino

Robert Downey Jr. was not the first to stay a disgruntled interview with Krishnan Guru-Marti. In 2013, the reporter, chatting with the Quentin Tarantino about the film "Dzhango Liberated," asked the director, whether violence in films with violence in real life is connected. However, Tarantino refused to answer this question. "Why?" - Asked Guru-Marti. "I am here in order to sell my movie. This is an interview - advertising my painting. And I do not want to talk about what you want. I have already expressed on this topic a million times, and if someone is wondering what I think about it, he can google my old interviews, which I have already given enough for twenty years. My attitude to this question has not changed either on iota, "the director answered.

But then, breaking more and more, Quentin stated irritably: "I am not your slave, and you are not my master. You can not make me dance for your duff. I'm not a monkey! " However, the interview did not and after Guru-Marti moved to the next question, Tarantino continued his conversation with him.

Kate Blanchett

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Kate Blanchett in the film "Cinderella". .

Kate Blanchett - woman elegant and sophisticated. And it is quite difficult to present it angrily swearing on a journalist. However, in March of this year, giving an interview dedicated to the release of the film "Cinderella", the movie star came out of himself.

The TV journalist Jonathan High began a conversation in a relaxed manner, informing the actress that it would be nice to drink with her on a beer circle. "I do not drink beer," the actress replied coldly. The reporter began to ask about the picture and suddenly said unexpectedly: "Here is a very serious question. How did you manage to put on a cat leash and make it all wish you wish? And how many times I tried to put on a leash on the cat of my girlfriend, I did not succeed. " "Is this a serious question?" Damn it, is this your question? Are you kidding me?" - cried Blanchett. "It was nice to meet", "said, getting up, Kate, thereby giving it to understand that the interview was over.

But in fact, the actress decided to play a journalist and only depicted that he was angry. Kate cheerfully laughed and shook his hand to Jonathan.

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