Repetition Mother of the exercise: refreshing in the head the rule of safe tanning


In Britain and Australia, there were alarms for a long time - people sunbathe more recommended norms, which is harmful to health. Moreover, a natural tan is replaced by a solarium - it is also unsafe for the skin, and many of this do not know. In this material, Womanhit will remind you all the safety rules so that you get vitamin D, but did not suffer from inflamed skin after a couple of days.

Preparation for the exit to nature

For even tanning, bloggers are often advised to carefully disconnect the skin, and after falling under the sun rays. Remember what the rule is applicable only in the case when you make a peeling 2-3 days before the trip. Later, it is impossible to scrub the skin: it is poured with coarse pieces of cosmetic tool and at the same time annoyed. If you have oily skin, it is enough to take a cool shower after the procedure and apply a moisturizing cream. At the same time, for dry skin you need a more nutrient tool - oil or bold children's cream is suitable.

Track buy a tool from the sun. Do not look at the oil with a factor of 5-15, to start only the cream or spray 50+. Even if you are dark from nature a man, you can burn the sun in the same way. Do not risk the health of the sake of saving a couple of days: it is better to go to the river or the sea several times than to burn in a couple of hours. On the head of a hat with wide fields, which closes the face - it burns faster and worse is restored, since the skin fat attracting moisture is less than, for example, in buttocks or on the stomach.

Optimal tanning time - 15-30 minutes a couple of times a week

Optimal tanning time - 15-30 minutes a couple of times a week


Particularly dangerous places

On the Internet, you can often find advertising swimsuits with a UV factor - do not get on it. Any clothing, if it is made of tissue with thick weaving, protects almost 100% from the sun. First of all, cover your face, shoulders and chest - thin skin on these zones, which is easily burning. You can wear a T-shirt or T-shirt, if you are going to swim at noon. Remember that from 11 to 16 doctors are not advised to sunbathe, as the sun is in the zenith and heats more than in the morning or at sunset. Children tanning are harmful, they need to smear with protective cream every 2-3 hours and wear into a jammed swimsuit and headdress.

On the beach everything does not end

After tan, take a shower to wash off the skin of salt or living creature, which is found in fresh water. Wrap an extra moisture and apply to the whole body with moisture-holder and healing components. It is glycerin, vitamin A and E, urea, aloe, panthenol, and so on. As part of most funds against the tan, they will be, so you can not worry - buy a product in a pharmacy or a professional cosmetics store, if you do not want to deal with the composition.

Remember that acquiring the tan is needed gradually - 15-30 minutes in the sun in the right time enough so that in a couple of weeks the skin color has become darker. Do not forget to paint the freckles and large pigment stains with a white pencil so as not to provoke their change under the action of ultraviolet.

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