Children's things that can be bought from hand


With the advent of the kid, spending in the family increase repeatedly, so many moms are thinking about the acquisition of things that are quite suitable for reuse. We have compiled a list of things you can exchange with other parents, keeping a family budget.

The changing table will need you for a short time.

The changing table will need you for a short time.



Usually the stroller is one of the most expensive children's items, while almost the most wear-resistant. One stroller is quite capable of "surviving" several families. Of course, it is impossible to predict in what state the thing is in fact, but it is enough to examine it for the presence of cracks, chips, good wheels and the absence of deformed parts. Special attention is paid to the folding stroller, since you must provide your child safety, and folding strollers are a very dangerous thing in a faulty state.

Children's bed

The second most popular thing for sharing. The crib is quite difficult to break, if not to do this intentionally: everything that you can wait is the loud surface or small cracks. However, cribs with all kinds of mechanisms are not so durable, so they need to be checked in place with special addiction.

Unfair parents can give you a thing in a disassembled form, do not be lazy to collect it along with the outstanding side, especially if you buy, not just pick up.

Check a b / y-stroller carefully

Check a b / y-stroller carefully


Baby Feeding Chair

The chair is not so durable as previous items, so take only those specimens that were used for a maximum for one child, that is, the state should be good, but ideally - excellent. There should be no cracks, and the legs of the chair give special attention - they should be stable.


As a rule, changing tables and dressers for newborns can be purchased sufficiently favorably with the hands, as the term of their use is strongly limited, and the room in the room has to be released as the child grows. However, the "weak point" of children's furniture becomes retractable lockers and handles: the children love to pull for all the pens, breaking the mount.

Cot - one of the most durable items of children's furniture

Cot - one of the most durable items of children's furniture


Walkers and swing

Swing, walkers and other entertainment for the baby will need a maximum of six months, then the child grows up and it will have to get rid of things, and there are lounge chairs and walkers are very decent. So is it worth overpaying for pleasure for a couple of months? It will be difficult to find a thing in perfect condition, but if you try, you can purchase a good option in a decent condition.

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